I LOVE being an aunt. But are you a Savvy Auntie? I am. I even looked forward to this special role long before I became an aunt.I kind of always knew that I’d probably be an aunt before a mom. Being the youngest of four children, with a nine year age gap between me and my oldest brother, I was pretty sure that at least one of my older siblings would have children before me. I was right… and here we are, over ten years after I became an aunt for the first time, and I am so incredibly blessed to have nine beautiful, loving, kind, sweet, adorable nieces and nephews to love. This is just one (well, really nine!) of the reasons I knew I would be a huge fan of the new book from my fave site – Savvy AuntieSavvy Auntie: The Ultimate Guide for Cool Aunts, Great-Aunts, Godmothers, and All Women Who Love Kids.

Savvy Auntie

Savvy Auntie book

But let me first talk about another reason I knew I’d love the book. I met the author of Savvy Auntie, Melanie Notkin – the Savvy Auntie herself – on Twitter back in 2008. She was in the process of building as a site to celebrate all of us aunties and the children we love! There was no online community for us, and yet there were millions of us out there.

Savvy Auntie Vision

Melanie took her vision, ran with it – and has not stopped! She has poured herself into making the voices of us loving aunties heard… and now by writing the Savvvy Auntie book, the world will continue to hear us roar. I knew Melanie would put every ounce of herself into writing a fabulous guide for being the savviest of savvy aunties… and she has. I love this book!

savvy auntie book

And now for the other nine reasons I knew I’d love Savvy Auntie… my nieces and nephews!

Savvy Auntie PANK

I became an aunt for the first time on January 14, 2001 with the birth of my niece Taylor. In Savvy Auntie terms, this made me an ABR, or Auntie By Relation, as Taylor is the daughter of my brother and his wife. Her birth – which I had the honor of witnessing – was the first of many incredible auntie moments I’ve been able to experience over the last 10 years.

And reading the Savvy Auntie book was like taking a wonderful trip down auntie memory lane.

The book covers everything auntiehood, and I found myself getting a little teary reading it, remembering all the amazing moments I’ve shared with my 2 nieces and 7 nephews over the years.

There was that moment when Taylor was born… and I became a DebutAunt (the Savvy Auntie term for a first-time auntie)… the time I helped my sister-in-law make a cake for my niece Madison’s (my goddaughter!) first birthday party, making me really feel part of the celebration… the baby showers I helped plan for both of my sisters-in-law and for my sister when she had her first, William… the very first times I held each of my nieces and nephews.

When you’re a Savvy Auntie – defined in the book as “a woman who loves a child who’s not her child,” there is so much to learn… and so much to give these special people in your life.

This book reminds us that we have a very special role in the lives of our nieces and nephews. It includes fun anecdotes, but also practical advice from real aunts about gift ideas, celebrating milestones and traditions to share.

There are important how-tos, like: how to help plan a baby shower, how to niece- or nephew-proof your home, and how to care for your new niece or nephew (holding, swaddling and bathing – oh, my!).

It suggests great books to give (or better yet – read with) your nieces and nephews.

It covers how to handle the feeling of loving being an aunt, but wanting a child of your own.

The book reminds us aunties that we’re all part of an important Auntourage (another Savvy Auntie term!), and we’re a pretty powerful and special force!

Where to buy Savvy Auntie

Savvy Auntie: The Ultimate Guide for Cool Aunts, Great-Aunts, Godmothers, and All Women Who Love Kids makes a fabulous gift for any auntie… wouldn’t it be a great way to let someone know that she is going to become an aunt?

Well, you can make it happen because as of today, April 26th, the book is officially released!

Congratulations, Melanie, on the launch of this wonderful book!

About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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