Each day in 2011, I’ve shared a little poem, a wonderful word or two, the history of a flower, bug, toy or bird… and most recently, fun idioms in September and awesome obsolete words in October.

These little LITERACY TIDBITS are fun, easy and completely do-able and talk-able with kids.

I should know.  I share them with my own grandkids!

During the month of November, I will be sharing KNOW-VEMBER: FUN NOVEMBER FACTS from all around the world.

Take a few moments from each November day and share the KNOW-VEMBER fun, knowledge, discovery and smiles with your kids and grandkids.


Day 305 of 365 Days of Literacy for Kids:

November comes from the Latin word novem, which means nine…

November was originally the ninth month of the year in the Roman calendar, which began with March. When January and February were added to the Roman calendar, November became the eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar.

Tell your kids and grandkids that the months of the year once had a different arrangement on the calendar. This is why September was named the 7th month (septem); October the 8th month (octem); November the 9th month (novem), and December the 10th month (decem).

Fascinating!  Should we now call November Undecim?

Join me here each day in November for KNOW-VEMBER: NOVEMBER FUN FACTS – on 365 DAYS OF LITERACY FOR KIDS! – fun, easy and completely do-able!







About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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