It’s tough trying to be better at being disconnected when your livelihood is based (and depends) on being connected.
I started blogging in 2007 because I was obsessed and fascinated with the idea and thought of being connected with moms online. I devoured blogs and couldn’t wait to get my feet wet. I have spent the last 5 years being connected digitally.
I started with blogging. Just your basic once a week blogging.
Then I added in Facebook.
Then I added in Twitter.
Then I added in YouTube.
Then I added in Instagram.
Then I added in Pinterest.
And then I started blogging 3-5 times a day.
When I say that I love what I do, I mean it. I know this is exactly what I was meant to do with my life. All my life I wanted to do something in the Communications field, and well… I’ve found my dream.
I cherish the blogging community.
I respect my fellow blogging friends.
I love connecting and engaging and networking.
I crave the tight deadlines and constant need to publish, publish, publish.
I love working with brands and companies.
I enjoy sharing my personal stories.
I have a passion for helping moms with fashion and beauty advice.
And I think it’s pretty cool that you never know what a new day will bring in this world.
Mom Generations has truly become our family business, as well as Getting Gorgeous and Rhody Mamas. I work my butt off from sun up, till sun down… and believe it or not, I never complain about it. I think some people think I’m nuts or lying when I say that, but I don’t, I never complain. I live this. I breath this. I dream this. I love this with all my heart. I work 7 days a week, 16 hour days. I literally wake up every morning ready to go! Ready to blog! Ready to be connected.
Being connected online is “my” thing. It’s what I do with my life and it’s been very good to me and my family, and I hope it continues to do so.
But… lately on the weekends, I’ve been experiencing something that’s a little different for me.
When I started blogging my sons were babies and toddlers. Now my sons are BOYS. They’re 4, 5, 6 and 7 years old. They want to be moving on the weekends (OK, all week, too). They don’t want to be on the couch waiting for me to finish my blog post. They’re ready to get out there and do fun things. This is a little different for me. I don’t have a nap time to work around or a down time to fixate on. Life is life… and it’s constantly moving.
I also didn’t travel as much when I first started blogging, now I’m gone once a week for work, and as much as I love it, it’s different for the boys. All of a sudden they “get” when I have to go away and they’re actually sad about it.
Ahhh… all new territory for this digital mom.
It’s tough explaining to 4 little boys that you do everything you do for them. They don’t get it yet that they’re my inspiration. They’re my everything.
So… I’ve been making it my MISSION to disconnect on the weekends.
I almost can’t even write it without giggling a little because it’s such a GASP thing for me.
It’s not easy.
Believe me, my husband was joking with me last weekend that he didn’t think I could make it the whole afternoon without being connected. So I did something radical for me… I left my iPhone at home. He was shocked. I think he thought I may go off into a corner and shake profusely! But I didn’t, I made it and I liked it. It was all about the family, nothing else… the way it should be.
When your life is based on being connected, it’s truly not that easy to just let go, to just disconnect… but in all honesty, as I’ve been finding… it’s essential and it’s necessary.
To be present in my life, fully… it doesn’t require a keyboard in front of me or a touchscreen pad, it requires just me and my family.
It’s been an interesting lesson to learn and most important, to see just how IMPORTANT it is. I expose pretty much everything there is to know about my life online… I don’t really shy away or hide anything. But I’ll tell you what, it felt pretty darn good to just walk hand in hand with my boys on Sunday without worrying “where my cell phone was.”
As tough as it may be at times… being disconnected on the weekends may just be what I needed to be refreshed for being connected.
Make sense? 😉
Totally understand! I too, am trying to be more purposeful to disconnect. I want to be FULLY there for my family without distractions. It’s an adjustment, but one that is so necessary. I don’t want my kiddos to look back on their childhood and remember mom always behind a computer screen.
Well said, I applaud you.
By the way, thanks so much for hosting GG at BlogHer. It was a fabulous event!
Makes perfect sense. 🙂
I totally get this. Now that my son is 4, he wants wants wants and no amount of explaining about this last tweet or just 1 blog post will work. LOL
Always ends up I’m glad I stop being online to enjoy some offline activities with him. So I support you weekend for families decision. 🙂
Yes yes yes! I find the only way for me to completely disconnect digitally is to purposefully leave my phone at home. Feels great!
It’s long overdue , I am going to try harder also. I do want to be fully present with my family and I know I’m not a lot of the time!
Such a great lesson. I have teens and the level of busy-ness with them always increases. I have to be so purposeful with my time and connections cuz they are watching what I’m doing.
Love this. In addition to the love of being connected, being connected is also really very addicting. It’s hard to break the habit and disconnect, but it is so healthy to do. Good for you!
Nodding my head (partly in shame). I need to do a better job of this. My daughter now waits to talk to me until she has my undivided attention. And if my phone is in my hand, she will not talk until it is face down on a surface so that I cannot look at it. Good for you!!
This is spot-on . . .for many of us I think. Good luck- and I will looking for the follow-up post “5 Best Ways to Disconnect for the Weekend”!! =)
I could have written this. Except sometimes I do complain about it, only to tell myself to be quiet and give myself the “do you know how lucky you are” speech. I try VERY hard to disconnect on the weekends, but it is hard to shut it off. Leaving the phone behind or having a dead battery helps;)
makes perfect sense to me! I try to do the same thing and just wish I could convince my hubby of the same.
I love that you shared how disconnecting helps you reconnect when the week begins. I have learned that I just feel too burned out on Monday if I don’t leave my phone at home or stay away from my laptop on the weekends.
Good for you for sticking to your priorities and ultimately taking care of yourself!
I totally get this! It used to easy for me to unplug. I worked full time weekdays were for work and weekends for play. But now i create my own schedule which is a luxury and that I’m diving into the social media it’s much harder to disconnect!thanks for the reminder. Being in the moment is always best!