I just love this time of year. I get so excited during the days leading up to Thanksgiving… it’s the beginning of the holiday season and everybody is in a good mood (for the most part!). I find myself saying, “Have a great holiday!” to nearly everyone I come into contact with, from the cashier at the grocery store to the guy at the CVS pharmacy drive-thru window to the woman making my vanilla chai at Dunkin’ Donuts.
My family is big on holiday traditions, so the holiday season has always been really special and meaningful to me. When I was younger, we always hosted a ton of people at my parents’ house for Thanksgiving. But now that my siblings and I are older, we tend to disperse… Audrey and my brother Adam go to their in-laws’ houses, my brother Keith and his family sometimes go on vacation to New Hampshire, and Brian and I alternate each year between spending Thanksgiving here with my family and in Maine with his family.
This year we’ll be going up to Maine to spend it with his Nana, aunts and uncles and cousins. The first time I had Thanksgiving up there was 2010, after Brian and I had been dating for about a year.

I’ve always loved Maine (I actually spent my first year and a half of college at Bowdoin in Brunswick), and being there during the holiday season is really fun. I love the quaint, classic New England feeling of the towns and the difference in the air up there (even though it’s only about 3 hours from us!).
I did miss celebrating Thanksgiving – one of my very favorite holidays – with my family that year, so my parents had a special Thanksgiving dinner the Saturday after Thanksgiving just. for. me. Being the youngest of four siblings, I tend to be a little spoiled, I guess. 🙂 And really, who is going to say no to two Thanksgiving dinners?

In any case, I am thankful that the holiday season has begun, and I am so, so very thankful to have my family and Brian’s family in my life, not only on Thanksgiving, but always.
Now, let’s get ready to EAT! 🙂
Where are you spending Thanksgiving this year? Do you always have it at the same place?
love that they did a special thanksgiving just for you. so sweet. thanksgiving is my favorite – we are spending it with my husband’s family this year. so excited to kick off the holiday season. have a great time jane!
Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday growing up. My parents always hosted and it was fun having everyone at one big table. Now that my family is dispersed throughout the country, we don’t get together. My husband and I take in friends/neighbors etc who aren’t going home and I cook a big meal. Now that I know how much work it is, I definitely appreciate all the years my mom did it!
My family has totally done a “repeat” holiday if someone was traveling. Just means more deliciousness!!!!
Ooh a getaway in Maine sounds nice! We’re heading to my mom’s this year. We’re a pretty big family so I always look forward to the chaos and the loud conversations. I’m also happy that whenever we have holidays at my mom’s house Riley comes too!
Maine sounds wonderful! We will be heading to Upstate New York, to my Aunt and Uncle’s house. We go there every year, and can’t wait!! Have a fantastic Thanksgiving!
Ooh I just love Maine and miss it. Haven’t been in a couple of years. Missing NH too and The Lazy Dog Inn {dog/kid friendly is how we roll}!
This year we will be in New York hosting my brother and law and his family from NJ. Now that we aren’t living in RI anymore going back and forth for Thanksgiving and Christmas is just too much. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
awww, love the second Thanksgiving. My family always did that with Christmas, back when my hubby & I used to alternate between my family and his. (Now that we have kids, it’s every Thanksgiving in NY with his family and every Christmas here at our house with my family.) I love to read that others are as excited about the holidays as I am…this is my very favorite time of the year! Happy Thanksgiving 🙂
We are hosting Thanksgiving this year & I can’t wait. I love entertaining family and friends. I hope you and Brian have the best Thanksgiving yet!
Maine sounds absolutely wonderful! We can’t wait to have our Thanksgiving! Entertaining is the best!
… and this year, too, my beautiful Janie, Dad and I will be having a very special Thanksgiving for you and your husband! I love you both! xoxox!