It’s the one time of year when I don’t feel organized AT ALL.
There’s work to be done.
There’s decorating to be finished.
There’s gifts to be bought for family.
There’s gifts to be bought for friends.
There’s gifts to be bought for teachers, coaches and a few close neighbors.
And there’s everything else going on with life during this time of year – activities, events, school parties, holiday parties, dinner dates, swim meets, family gatherings, etc.
I need to stay as organized as I possibly, possibly can.
Believe me, it’s not always easy… I know, but Staples has shared some Holiday Organizing Tips that I think are so smart and so easy for everyone and anyone to do. Most important, they’re smart tips… and will absolutely help keep you less stressed during this time of year!
Holiday Organizing Tips:
1. Make a list, check it twice — Tired of fighting the crowds and finding nothing but empty shelves as you search for a last-minute gift on Dec. 24? Keep lists of who you need to buy gifts for, what your budget is for each person and any gift ideas you might have. You can keep all of these lists organized in an Arc Notebook (starting at $7.99). These customizable notebooks allow you to organize and plan for events any way you like with add-and-remove pages, tabs and dividers. Use Staples’ exclusive line of Avant pens (starting at $5.99) to jot down your great gift ideas.
I absolutely love this idea! I also love that the Arc notebooks can easily pop right into your handbag and are easily (EASILY!) accessible! Makes list making a breeze!
2. Plan ahead — Mark your calendar in your Arc Notebook with specific goals each day, whether it’s shopping for Grandma one day or cleaning the house another day. Don’t forget to schedule a day or two here and there to simply relax and recharge.
SO IMPORTANT! This is something I don’t do, and I must do. It’s such a crazy time of year and it’s so easy to get broken down and lose energy and steam. With everything laid out, it won’t be too daunting. And I love the RELAX and RECHARGE idea! 🙂
3. Avoid the crowds — Why battle hundreds of desperate shoppers when you can shop from the comfort of your own home? Online shopping is more popular than ever and the Staples Holiday Center ( has everything you need. Holiday craft ideas, gifts for co-workers and bosses, a wide array of electronics, even LIVE Christmas trees are available at this one-stop shopping outlet.
I’m obsessed with online shopping. I don’t think I’ve bought much this year without ordering it online. It’s so easy and convenient for anyone… especially moms!
4. Keep plenty of wrapping paper and tape handy — Ever get down to wrapping the final few gifts on your list and realize you don’t have enough wrapping paper left or you’ve run out of tape? Don’t get stuck giving that cute gift you’ve bought to a loved one in a brown grocery bag with the top stapled shut. There’s no reason to skimp on wrapping paper or tape when you can always use it next year. And if you’re the type who does everything with a little flair, Martha Stewart Home Office with Avery Premium Wrapping Paper (starting at $4.99) gives your gifts the perfect holiday touch. Staples also offers Cupcake and Coffee Cup shaped tape dispensers ($8.99) that add a little pizzazz to your gift-wrapping tools.
I can’t even tell you how many times we’ve run out of paper and just sort of “winged” it with whatever we could find in our house. I love the idea on stocking up!
5. Discard important documents properly — Many consumers use their debit or credit cards to make purchases online or in the store. When your bills come in at the end of the month, you may be tempted to just toss them in the garbage after you pay them. Make sure to shred all documents that contain important financial information such as billing statements or bank statements with one of Staples Professional Series Shredders (starting at $199.99).
My husband is a stickler for this! I actually bought him a shredder last year from Staples and he uses it ALL the time. It’s so important because you NEVER KNOW who is lurking around the trash.
6. Enjoy your holidays, record your memories — Don’t forget to take the time to relax, and soak in the warmth and love of family and friends during the most wonderful time of the year. Take pictures. Record video. Capture your memories. And when you run out of room on your memory card, transfer your photos and video to a Staples Brand Bamboo USB Flash Drive (starting at $19.99) for an environmentally friendly way to treasure your holiday.
I LOVE this. This time of year can get crazy, but it’s such a beautiful time of year. With my 4 sons, I want to remember and embrace every single moment. LOVE this idea!