Best Beauty Tips #BringYourBest

24 hours go by in a flash for me, every single day! As a full-time working mom of 5, my days are anything but boring. From the second I wake up, till the second I put my head back on my pillow, it’s constant moving and it’s constant going!

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My alarm clock usually goes off around 6AM and from there – it’s a mad dash with my husband getting our 4 sons ready for school and to the bus stop on time. Backpacks need to be packed, breakfast made, lunches prepped and packed and boys dressed (nice and warm right now!) for school. There’s always that last minute, “Mom – I can’t find any matched socks!” from one of the boys! J Within the craziness of trying to get the boys ready (and my daughter!), I’m always trying to get myself dressed and ready for the day, too! I’m all about trying to make my morning beauty routine as simple and as easy as possible! Even on the days that I’m working from home, I always like to be dressed nicely and have on some makeup. Makes me feel like I’m truly starting my workday… if I stayed in my jammies all day, I don’t know how productive I would actually be!

My work days vary in terms of work… every single day is different.

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As you all know – from blogging to vlogging to photo shoots to video shoots to Periscopes to conference calls and business trips – I’m a busy girl (and I love it!). When my kids are at school, work is my main focus. I try and get as much as I possibly can get done in that 9-3PM timeframe, it’s not always easy, but I try!   As soon as the kids are home from school, it’s a mixture of school work, practice schedules, playdates and just trying to get everything around the house done (dinner, chores, etc!). I also love to try and fit in a workout, too! It makes me feel good and really helps calm my mind. When the kids head to bed, it’s my time to crash for a little bit!

But here’s the BIG thing… looking good and feeling good throughout the day heavily relies on my sleep. If I don’t get a good night’s sleep… I don’t feel good the next day. As you can tell, I can’t be down feeling tired, not with my 5 kids and work schedules! I sometimes have a tough time falling asleep, which is why I do rely on ZzzQuil to help me get the sleep I need.

Remember – you have to FEEL good to look good. I have always believed that statement.

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ZzzQuil does help me feel refreshed and ready to kick off a new day… which (as you can tell) I never know what will bring! It helps keep me feeling and looking good when I know I need a really good night’s sleep.

I would love for you to share some of your best tips for feeling good. You can also check out these other blog posts to get tips to #BRINGYOURBEST

Check out ZzzQuil’s Instagram page for some added inspiration, too! Also, click here to get a coupon!

You can also check out these other blog posts to get tips to #BRINGYOURBEST!! 

Join me WEDNESDAY for our @ZzzQuil Twitter Party!!

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RSVP to be eligible for GIVEAWAYS!!


*Sponsored posting with ZzzQuil. I am working as a Vicks Ambassador.

About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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  1. 2.23.16
    Licia Miles said:

    Hi! Really looking forward to this party 🙂

  2. 2.23.16
    Dannielle said:

    All ready for this party ??wootwoot

  3. 2.23.16
    Lynne said:

    As usual, I have filled out the form incorrectly – I always forget, and type in my name instead of my @ twitter handle….. I’ll try to fix it…….

  4. 2.23.16
    Lynne said:

    Fixed – #32 and #33 are the same person – I would delete #32, but can’t figure out how……

  5. 2.23.16
    Regina said:


  6. 2.24.16
    Kimberly snyder said:

    looking forward to some great tips and info at your party @islandKIMMI

  7. 2.24.16
    Bebe said:

    See you at the party!!
    RSVP @PeachesDreams77

  8. 2.24.16
    Darlene O'Brien said:

    didn’t get the @ sign in my rsvp..don’t know if it makes a difference.
    also ZzzQuil is a great sleepaid for busy minds.

    RSVP @DROBrien77

  9. 2.24.16
    Linnie Gilbert said:

    Thanks RSVP’d @b3byg33k and would love to share my beauty tips!

  10. 2.24.16
    Jennifer Essad said:

    looking forward to learning more tonight

  11. 2.24.16
    @cangoNINNY said:

    Looking forward to a fun time!

  12. 2.24.16
    Jennifer Essad said:

    it’s that time of year for us, we are both dead tired and cranky, stuffy noses & headaches with this weather change-I’m anxious to join you

  13. 2.24.16
    Kara Kudro said:

    Looking forward to it!

  14. 2.24.16
    Dameon s said:

    I rsvp’d as damedog13 looking forward to the party I’m always looking for great ways to catch up on my sleep.

  15. 2.24.16
    Aleczandria Sorrell said:

    Looking forward to this party! tweet you soon!! @alaschall

  16. 2.24.16
    Angela Hendricks said:

    Looking forward to chatting with you all!

  17. 2.24.16

    Excited to chat! @eseattlemama

  18. 2.24.16
    Maryanne N said:

    Looking forward to it!

Comments are closed.