As you know, we love capturing daily videos for our YouTube channel! What I love is that every single day we post something different and it’s fun to look back and see our adventures as a family. We’re visiting Greater Williamsburg this week for spring break and we’re having a GREAT time! Greater Williamsburg is hosting us, so we have a wonderful itinerary from them that works perfectly for our family (of all ages!). I will be sharing photos of our trip and detailed information on the blog as to what we’re doing here over the next month. Believe me, you’re going to want to book a trip here… it’s fantastic!
In the meantime, I wanted to (as always!) share our daily video! Enjoy!
Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube Channel for all of our VIDEOS!
And remember, follow along on my trip this week online in real-time with the hashtags: #VisitWilliamsburg and #FindYourFunWMBG
Disclosure: This is a sponsored partnership. All opinions, along with video/photos are my own.