To all my fellow MOMPRENEURS out there, I’ve got a great place for you to “hang out” whenever you want! 3 months ago Vera Sweeney and I created Permission to Hustle. We wanted to a place for women (and men, if they want!) to come and be inspired, motivated and feel like they can do whatever they want – regardless of their age. If you’re 18, 28, 38, 48 or 80 – sky is still the limit if you have the juice in your tank to hustle and just go out there and do it! We wanted to give women the permission and the keys to go out and HUSTLE.
It’s a simple word, but can mean so much.
One of the things we’ve said since the very beginning is that every woman’s HUSTLE is different. It doesn’t matter what motivates you to hustle, the only thing that is important is that you do it. We’ve seen so many of our friends soar high from going after their dreams and their goals by hustling hard. Your pace of hustle is up to you, too. You set the speed. You set the parameters. You set the clock.
So what do we do in Permission to Hustle on FACEBOOK?
We wanted to open up a space that is supportive and giving and inspiring. We wanted to create a mastermind group of women (and yes, some men!) who are there for each other. Who can give a tip or a piece of advice. Who can support someone miles and miles and miles away. We wanted to show people that we are – indeed – all in this together. When women work together and really help each other soar, incredible things happen!
Every single say we share a HUSTLE tip! Not one tip is the same, all are different. Some are thought starters. Some are action items. We wanted to give bite size bites to help people hustle. We know it’s not easy to get out there and do it, so we wanted to provide tools to help women break it down and take it day by day.
We would love to have you join us over on our Facebook page!
We’re having so much fun and it’s been amazing watching INCREDIBLE things happen for this group.