KitchenAid has introduced the Artisan Mini and I’m in LOVE with it! I mean, total baking love with it.
Let me start here first, I’m the baker in my house. I love making cookies and cakes and muffins and breads for my kids. When it comes to grilling or cooking, that’s usually my husband’s “job” because he’s really good at it and he is a total foodie!
For me, it’s all about the sweetness. That’s “my” forte! I actually make chocolate chip cookies 3-4 times a week for the boys because they love a sweet treat in their lunch. There’s something about actually making them (OK, not totally from scratch, but I do add in eggs, butter and extra chips!) for the boys that makes me happy and makes me feel good. I feel very domestic when I make something for the boys that they absolutely love and appreciate.
When Best Buy reached out to me to try out KitchenAid’s NEW Artisan Mini, I JUMPED at the opportunity because I (literally) use our KitchenAid Stand Mixer all the time at home. And believe me, I LOVE it because it’s amazing and gets the job done, but I was completely intrigued by the “MINI” side the of new one.
A few questions crossed my mind immediately before reviewing (as in getting to touch, feel and see) the Artisan Mini:
Is it much lighter? Easier for me to pick up and move?
Will it be a better option on the counter for our family?
Can I still make the same amount of cookies in the Mini? Will the smaller size really make a big difference for me?
As soon as I received it, all my questions were answered favorably for me!
The Artisan Mini Mixer runs perfect for the McClelland family of 7! As always, if you have any questions about it, drop me an email or leave a comment below!
Happy mixing!
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with Best Buy. All opinions are 100% my own.