Locked-In Magical Memories with Grandma Rita ~
Sometimes, a thing happens that can only be described as a locked-in memory.
Otherwise, how would someone know to do something that he or she has done before, something so clear or perhaps comfortable or maybe daring and how about even perfect.
It’s a moment when your body is sent a message, a movement, your mind is sent a picture and your heart is sent a beat of ah ha, I remember this!
I love these moments. These things. These re-creations.
I especially love these moments in children.
One of these happened recently when my 3-year old grandson Brian hopped upon my Mom’s (his great-grandmother’s) walker…
Brian used to do this as a 1-year old baby, gripping onto the front handle of Grandma Rita’s walker as if it would take him on some magical ride.
That walker used to do just that. Magical Rides. Grandma Rita navigating the Magic. Inside. Outside. A few feet. Often much longer distances.
Grandma Rita would walk her walker as Brian grabbed onto that walker handle bar with all he had… and I mean all he had in strength, laughter and memory-making.
His little feet could hardly reach the basket beneath. His hands half-fit around the handle padding. His little bottom bounced along bumpy sidewalks like a little jackhammer.
But he never let go.
Because it was Magic.
It was Magic for both Brian and Grandma Rita.
And me, too.
It’s still Magic.
Brian knows.
Otherwise, how would he know to do something that he had done before as a baby — something so clear, so comfortable, maybe daring and how about a just plain perfect “ah ha, I remember this Magic!”