eBay Side Hustle: Anyone Can Do This (Making $100+ a DAY with little effort!)

The eBay side hustle. Oh, yes… the “side” hustle is real. Very real.

This is what I love about the eBay side hustle — anyone can do it.

And let me do a disclaimer right here so you truly, truly know… I’m putting in very little effort right now and I’m making $100+ a day (well – at least for the last 3 days!). When I say very little effort, I truly mean it. My life is VERY crazy right now with our move. This was truly not the best time for me personally to go “full steam ahead” into a new hustle. It really wasn’t, but my bestie Vera was rev’ing up her eBay selling mojo and she wanted me to chronicle my journey with her. I was super excited to do this because I knew it would be a good distraction for me during this time in my life AND I had a TON of stuff to sell on eBay from purging and going through things in our home as we packed up our stuff.

No joke, my inventory for selling was CRAZY – just from “shopping” in my own home! I have not had to do any shopping trips or hauls for my channel yet. Everything that I have to sell is actually from my own home. I love it because it’s great to see items that I don’t use sell for good money. It’s like finding $20’s in your home! It’s truly a fun hunt and sell GAME!

Now when I say anyone can do this, I mean it.


It doesn’t matter your age, you can make it work.

Now when I say little effort, I mean it.

I’m talking maybe 45-60 minutes a day because right now that’s ALL I have to give it. I can’t go much further than that because I’m working full-time, managing my kids full-time this summer and trying to move into a new place and move out of our old place! So really – I don’t have much time to give it. I usually work on it at night when I’m in front of the TV ready to crash!

Just so you have an idea of what I’ve made since I started my eBay selling… this is stuff in MY OWN HOME!

I started selling mid-June and went pretty solid for 3 weeks and then I stopped because we (literally) moved. I started up again last week listing again and in the last 3 days I’ve made $100+ a day.

$100 a DAY doing very little work is pretty darn good, am I right??

So here’s my eBay motivation for you:

  1. Make an account
  2. Just find items in your home you’re not using and try to list one
  3. Set it at a price you would be happy with (I use Buy it Now for 30 days)
  4. Watch it on eBay
  5. Enjoy the excitement when it sells!

Viola! There it is!

You can watch our full journey here!

My last video is here


About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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