Opening Christmas Gifts | Family Vlog. There are so many moments I want to remember about the kids when they are kids. I want to remember the smiles off the school bus when they see us waiting there. I want to remember the excitement of birthdays and making wishes on birthday candles. I want to remember the look on their faces after they get a hug after a long day of school. I want to remember them reaching for my hand as we walk along. And – potentially most special for me – I want to remember the magic of Christmas morning. I want to remember the excitement and the giddiness and the happiness when they realize that (yes) Santa came to visit!
Opening Christmas Gifts
It’s sad, but true… I don’t capture video like my parents used to capture it. My father would make VHS tapes for us after every event and/or holiday. It was always special to me because then we would watch these VHS tapes over and over and over again. As an adult – now we have taken those VHS tapes and digitalized them for us to watch. It’s wonderful to watch again and again and again – even now as adults. My kids have YouTube – oh, and my phone! My YouTube channel has become – for all intents and purposes – our video digital scrapbook. We share it with the world, but we choose what’s posted and what’s not. I love having this outlet for my sons because it’s something that they can look at and love and watch whenever they want to in their lives.
It’s US and it’s real. And so – I give you our Christmas. Real and raw and uncut. It’s our crazy, loud, beautiful chaotic Christmas morning while we Opening Christmas Gifts. There are some true gems in these videos… from Matt making the boys sit on the steps waiting to be called down on Christmas morning (we do this every year!) to Alex trying to not look disappointed because he didn’t get the one thing he asked for (he eventually does) to Matt hating my Christmas gift (LOL!) to Alex doing a hat trick and literally landing it on Victoria’s head. These videos make me smile and make me wish for time to stop… but thankful to be capturing it all right here.
Opening Christmas Gifts – VIDEOS
I hope you enjoy!!