Ralph Lauren Pink Pony Initiative

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is 14 days in… I have been speechless as to the level of commitment and passion and loyalty brands and companies have put towards this cause throughout October.  It’s very inspiring and amazingly cool.

I have made it my fashion mission this October to help support and bring awareness by talking about the companies and brands that are doing SOMETHING to help the support in Breast Cancer Research.  I’ve also committed to wearing PINK every single day this month in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness.  So far, I haven’t missed a day!  It’s been a cool challenge and there are hundreds of other women doing the same… it’s a small part, but it’s a part.  And that’s the beauty of supporting a cause… you can make a difference know matter how big or small. With my cousin passing away from cancer and leaving 3 little kids, it transformed something within me to do something. And it’s a wonderful opportunity to be able to share and communicate about this through my blog.

Which brings me to today… and the Pink Pony Initiative.

Polo Ralph Lauren is celebrating its 10th Anniversary of Pink Pony this year.  The Pink Pony is the Company’s global initiative to raise awareness and funds in support of the fight against cancer.  It truly has been one of the most remarkable initiatives to follow because they make such a difference and such an impact.  Launched in 2000, the Pink Pony Fund supports programs for cancer screening, earlydiagnosis, treatment, research and patient navigation.

Polo Ralph Lauren has partnered up with CharityBuzz to create the first global Pink Pony Online Auction. The auction will showcase over 200 unique items and experiences with luxury travel, art, sports, fashion and rare collectibles. 100% of net proceeds from this auction will benefit the Pink Pony Fund of The Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation. The online runs through October 21st at www.charitybuzz.com/RalphLauren.
Here’s one of the amazing items you can bid on –

Take some time to check out this incredible initiative. For me, it’s just beyond incredible to see major brands shining a light on such a worthy cause.

I am a participant in a Mom Central Consulting campaign for Ralph Lauren and have received various Ralph Lauren products as part of my participation.

About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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