On October 5, my countdown began: 30 days until my 30th birthday. In honor of this, on each of the 30 days leading up to my birthday I will recount one memory from the past 30 years… either one that has helped define me, one that makes me laugh, one that makes me think, one that encourages me… or maybe a little of everything. If possible, I will post a photo to go along with the memory.
It’s my 30/30/30 Project: 30 years. 30 memories. 30 days.
Here is my memory for Day #27:
Last Halloween I was living in NYC. Brian came to visit me… well, kind of. He was buying a truck in Pennsylvania, so on the way there he picked me up and I went on a road trip to PA with him… then we drove back to NYC and spent Halloween in the city together.
My friend, Cassie, and I had gone costume shopping the day before. I bought a bumble bee costume and she bought a ladybug costume. Cassie, Brian and I decided to go out in the city together, but Brian didn’t have a costume… until he saw my wetsuit in my dresser drawer.
He was somehow able to squeeze into it, and although Cassie and I had skimply little costumes on, Brian was the one who got the most attention. People wanted to know exactly what he was dressed as… so we decided he was a scuba diver. As a bonus for him, he was the only one between the three of us who was warm on that chilly night!
Wow, he really fit into your wetsuit pretty good but I wonder if it was hard to get off. Anyway, you both look adorable – just such an attractive couple!