12 Shoes for a Mom on a Budget (aren’t we all…)

Spring is about the SHOES!

Shoes. Shoes. And more shoes.

Open-toe-wedge-shoes are going to be a very hot trend of the season…

But really… what’s a mom to do when every-single-season there is a “hot” new shoes?


You find the “hot” styles at amazing prices!

Here are my top 12… and where to find them!

About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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  1. 2.25.11
    jennifer b said:

    I love all the Target ones, some of my most favorite comfy shoes has come from there. I am loving the wedges

  2. 2.27.11
    Monica said:

    I just bought the Target Dolce Vidas! Great resource — thanks 🙂

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