Schick Intuition is helping you Simply Your Life

As a mom to 4 little boys that are 7, 5, 4 and 3…

… I have to admit, my life is busy. Very, very busy.

There’s 1st grade, Kindergarten, preschool, swimming, basketball, CCD and gymnastics.

There’s the household with laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, lunches to be made, dinners to plan (and make), toys to pick up, bedrooms to keep semi-clean (wink, wink) and everything (and anything) else that goes along with keeping the house clean and organized.

There’s my work… and with that comes meetings, conference calls, conferences, lots of deadlines, videos to be made, posts to write and travel. I’m a one-woman show, so lots of stuff falls on my shoulders, so I need to make sure all is in check, at all times.

And then there’s everything else… PTO, Halloween Dance committee, Book Club, meet-ups, date nights, seeing friends, baking for the school and the list goes on and on and on.

It’s not always easy to be MOM because life can get busy. Real busy.

So what’s a mom to do? Well, you can try to simplify some things in your life.

I’m extremely excited to announce that I have partnered with Schick® Intuition® (the fabulous razor that lathers and shaves in one, easy step) in helping them kick off this (unseasonably warm) fall season with a fun, interactive Facebook application ( and coupon program centered around the balance and happiness that can come from leading a more simple life.

And believe me, I know that it’s not always easy to do, which makes me love, love, love that Schick® Intuition®is spreading the message that balance and happiness can come from leading a more simple life.  Their Schick Intuition Simplify and Save quiz on Facebook is such a cool way to get yourself going…

“Schick Intuition is excited to escort consumers on the journey to discover the secrets to simplifying their active lifestyles,” says Chit Itchon, Senior Brand Manager Schick Intuition. “We’re looking forward to interacting with our fans through this program, and start a dialogue around simple tips that can make a difference in their daily lives.”

I took the Quiz this morning and my result was that I was “Simply Smart.”

To you, keeping things simple is a matter of mind-and yours is a sharp shooter. You use your head to anticipate and solve problems quickly, you’re resourceful with contacts, and because you’ve done your homework, there’s little that takes you by surprise. In forethought and finish, you’re a step ahead-just like your Schick® Intuition®. Today your sensible style landed you super-smart savings to help you stay smooth!

I wanted to share with you some tips that I do in my own personal life to simplify things in the McClelland household. I actually have learned many of these tips from my own mother, also a mom of 4. She has passed down some incredible “secrets” that I have easily adapted and fit into my life and have helped me out tremendously…

1. Make lunches the night before. This way I’m not running around like a crazy-mom in the morning trying to get 100 things done. The lunch packs go right into the fridge after I’ve made everything and I just pop them into everyone’s backpack in the morning!

2. I actually get everyone’s clothing ready and gathered the night before, too. I have 4 piles in our hallway – William, Alexander, Ben and Henry. I put everything out – pants, shirt, undies, socks and sweatshirt. This way in the morning, as soon as the boys wake up, I change them. It’s been an easy routine for us in the mornings, and there’s no fighting over what to wear (oh, yes… boys can be like that, too!).

3. Weekly Dinner Menu. I still cannot believe we do this and have stick with it! Every Sunday night we plan meals for the week. This week: Monday is pasta, Tuesday is chicken, Wednesday is pizza, Thursday is taco night and Friday is stew. We get all the meats defrosted. We get all the ingredients we need. We get everything ready and pretty much lined up to go. This has SAVED us so much time and energy. Plus, it helps us not eat out… something we would do all the time before we had a meal plan in place.

4. For me, there’s nothing like a warm, cozy shower. It’s my “me time” to be able to relax and shave and just have a little alone time in this house of 5 guys! I have started to take my showers at night now. I was always, always, always a morning shower girl. But honestly, whenever I’d be up before the kids to shower, as soon as I turned the water on – BAM! They’d all be up… and when they’re up, there’s no such thing as a relaxing shower. So I have started taking them at night, after the boys are in bed and sleeping. I can take my time. I don’t have to worry about someone else needing the hot water. I turn the radio on and just tune out, it’s AWESOME!

5. I refuse to let my laundry pile up, I hate it! Whenever I see laundry piles, it upsets me. So I have started to do smaller loads every day, rather then letting the piles pile on up and doing bigger loads only a couple of times a week. It’s made life easier for me because I’m also not feeling overwhelmed putting away baskets of laundry. I just have a small load, and I put it away in minutes.

6. I’m a coffee drinker. I need my morning coffee to start off my day! I have started to program my machine where it will start brewing at 6AM in the morning. I feel like one of those coffee commercial’s because I will literally smell it from upstairs and it will seriously drag me out of bed. I love it, and it makes me happy! 🙂 Something as simple as that… I love it.

7. I never go to bed with dishes in the sink. I always put the dishes in the dishwasher. There’s just something about waking up to a clean sink.

8. I consistently make my bed in the morning. I know that I’m just going to be in it at night again, but I love coming home to something always neat and organized in my house. With 4 sons, it’s unrealistic of me to expect that the toy room and living room is always going to be 100% clean and tidy. So I’ve had to let that go (which is a whole thing within itself!), and just concentrate on the areas that are mine and I can do something about. So my bed is my domain, I always make sure it’s made once everyone is up.

So these are some tips from my own personal life. These have really helped me as a busy mom and busy woman in general. They’ve simplified my life.  If there’s anyway to add convenience and ease into my life… I’ll do it!

Today through October 30, 2011 fans can visit to take the “Intuition IQ” quiz and discover if they are “Simple Carefree,” “Simply Flexible” or “Simply Smart.” After taking the quiz, fans are able to download a $3.00 coupon for any Intuition razor or 3ct. refills.

I’m SO excited to see what kind of dialogue will be created on the Facebook page! I’m also excited to learn about some new tips and advice that will continually help simply my life, too. I’m all ears!

Disclosure: I am working with Schick Intuition on this campaign.


About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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