As a mother of four boys all a year apart, my husband and I often joke that high school is going to be crazy. Sure we’re still a few years off, William is still 8 years away, but at some point, we’ll have four boys all in high school at the same time! I can just imagine the line of girls at the door, or driving down the street hoping to get a glimpse of the McClelland boys!
High school will bring a bunch of worry as well. I’m sure there will be parties, and as much as we try to raise our kids right, at some point they’ll be out there making decisions on their own. Both my husband and I were pretty responsible, in fact our fathers both said to us, “If you ever drink and get behind the wheel, you won’t drive again until your out of the house and buy your own.” That was enough for me, I loved driving, although neither of us were big partiers anyhow.
I hope our sons are the same! Teens have enough distractions behind the wheel these days even without alcohol in the equation. Where we had a radio, they have smart phones and email and texting, all those things teens do to keep in touch that shouldn’t be used while driving, but I’ve seen plenty of red lights blown by a teen with his or her head down, staring into a cell phone.
I was recently introduced to a new product that works in conjunction with a smart phone, the Soberlink. It’s a smart phone enabled breathalyzer which takes a photo while the person is breathing into the device to prevent gaming the system and it will send it to the parent, along with the blood alcohol level and a GPS coordinate. It’s a pretty fool proof way to insure your child isn’t making a stupid decision that could cost them or someone else their life.
Here’s a video that shows Soberlink in action.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, all opinions/views are my own.
I 100% know what you mean!
Why oh why do we do this to ourselves?
Glad to know I’m not alone 🙂
I also have four boys under five and worry about when they are older and my oldest will be buying his brothers beer. I need to stop worrying about it now or I will be crazy by the time they are in highschool. My husband always laughs at me for thinking about this.