Week 3 of Getting Fit – Still Making Progress

It’s time for my weekly check-in as I make my way toward a lower number on the scale (and learn to eat healthier in the process, one thing that has always been a weakness of mine). Last week I weighed in at 146.2.

My weight this week is 144.0.

I’m really happy about the 2.2 lb. weight loss, but I will say that I slipped a little last night and over-indulged on snacks and dessert. I was just having a “blah” day and let it get the best of me. But I’m back on track today.

While my eating habits have been good for the most part, I haven’t quite been able to get myself on a regular workout schedule. I’m not sure what my problem is. I mean, I know it’s motivation, but I guess I don’t know what to do about it. Usually it’s the other way around for me – I’ll find the time to work out, but I won’t do well with eating. I need to figure out a way to sync the two entities. It was easier when I could run with friends, but injuries have me sidelined. Any advice?

I think I need this tattooed on my forehead.

About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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  1. 2.1.13

    Speaking for myself, if I do not get going first thing and workout, it does not happen. I often have to put on some groovin dance tunes. I do the same thing to get housework done.

  2. 2.1.13

    I have no advice because I am the EXACT same way. I will do well with eating, and not work out, or I’ll get into a workout routine, but eat like crap. Getting both of them going is tricky for me! Let me know if you figure it out! 😉

  3. 2.1.13

    Do something you love! I play tennis which it so much fun for me and keeps me running around! I also love yoga but fall in and out of regular practice.
    I like to start my morning with stretching – or following a TV yoga class – I record a bunch of them so I can do them on my timeline!
    Keep at it! You have pounds to celebrate!

  4. 2.1.13

    I have no advice, I suck at both. I can’t really work out yet either. Hopefully by March I can do more.

  5. 2.1.13

    You look so good! But I get it. The thing is, when you’re always running, it keeps the blahs away. It’s tough when you’re used to that but can’t. I recommend combining walking and Pilates. Or yoga. Or even Zumba!

  6. 2.1.13
    Jodi said:

    Set mini goals – I say if I get to x lbs I can buy new running outfit or some little fitness splurge to keep me motivated. From the pregnant lady that hasn’t done squat in months 🙂 hoping my advice will work on me in a month or two

  7. 2.1.13

    Wow! Good for you- very inspiring! 🙂 Just a great feeling to even get 2 lbs off!

  8. 2.2.13
    mel said:

    You are doing great. If I have to say, you look much less than your weight that you put down. I am so impressed. You look fantastic!

  9. 2.2.13
    alicia kamm said:

    Don’t get discouraged ! It’s obvious that you’re determined to get into a groove that works for you & that in itself is admirable. For me I have to workout in the am or I don’t go. I also take a rip-it off like a Band-Aid approach and do the one thing that I’ve seen results with the fastest. Maybe if you could find whatever “that” is – it will help. Make sure your expectations are appropriate, taking into consideration your injuries. I hate working out but I love the “high” after. I believe in you!! Also if you ever want to take a “barre” class… lmk – I’m dying to take one!

  10. 2.2.13
    michele said:

    It’s cold outside; eating and comfort inside is what feels best. We’ll all feel healthier and mentally fit as the warmer weather approaches.

    You always display great effort and attitude during the warm months, as do I. We’ll be there soon enough, we must enjoy today!!! Love who we are today, we are healthy, really, this is what we need to remind ourselves. Let’s not get the winter blues and be proud of our efforts when it’s warmer!! : )

  11. 2.2.13

    Unfortunately I don’t have any great advice on working out because that’s always been a weakness of mine. I found tracking everything I eat worked the best. You’re going in the right direction, keep it up!

  12. 2.5.13
    Dani said:

    I am personally motivated by either completing a form/log or having someone to talk to to hold me “accountable.” Depending on my workout having a friend doing it with me helps–we may not go to the same class but we go on the same day so we can share the workout with each other as well as our triumphs and defeats. I fell into a BIG rut at the end of last year with no motivation and my diet went to heck in a hand basket for the weeks around the holidays but I found that after the new year I just needed to suck it up and get back to it and after a week of making myself do it, it all became fun again and old hat like it had never been any other way. Keep up the great work–you’re doing a great job and are an inspiration to many!!!

  13. 2.14.13

    I’m loving the new Weight Watchers program. It’s really helping me.

    And I know you’re missing exercises, but remember that by far the majority of weight loss is through food not exercise!

    It really is hard to miss your favorite workout, though. Can you schedule appointments, which make them harder to miss? Like yoga class.

    Can you do CrossFit with your current limitations? It is absolutely my new addiction and I definitely see it making a difference! If you’re allowed to, I would absolutely check it out!

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