A Picture “Speaks” a Thousand Words ~
People have always been fascinated with the idea of creating an image from life, preserving Time in a little capsule known today as a photograph. History tells us that a 10th century Arabian scholar actually described the principles of what are now modern cameras.
Of course, today we do actually have pictures that “speak” – giving us permanent audio archives of so many moments in our lives. But there was a time, fairly recently, that gave us photographs (Black & White, no less!) that still have us guessing what was being “spoken” in a captured moment.
Yesterday, I discovered a packet of photos in a box I’ve had for a very long time – a box stored and carried to a new place and then carried and stored again and so on and so on. In this box were Black & White photos of my parents’ wedding, photos of my aunts and uncles and my Nana and my brother and cousins, all so young. There were photos of me as a child.
It was mesmerizing to hold these photos because it was like holding these people again, many now deceased but still looking at me from these precious images.
There was one photo that made me smile SO big.
It’s my Mom’s family photo from somewhere around 1954-55. I know this because my Mom is pregnant in the photo with whom they’d soon know was a boy, my younger brother. It’s interesting to me that the family members are kind of scattered, not matched up with spouses (my Mom bottom left, my Dad upper right), as if the photo was of the spontaneous kind… “Hey, everyone’s here, SO EVERYONE GET IN!”
And since everyone seems to be IN, I have no idea who took the photo.
But what truly jumps out at me is how this particular B&W photo from so many decades ago speaks.
It speaks of a little girl turning around at the exact moment the photo is taken to look at her Mom. That little girl is me. My smile at my Mom speaks everything about Love. It speaks of a little girl being a little girl. What am I saying? A thousand things?
My Mom’s instant Mom signature glance and lips speak, “Shhhhhh.”
I can hear it.
I can feel it.
Maybe my Uncle Bob (center, back) can hear it, too!
And this is why, I think, people have always been fascinated with the idea of creating an image from life, preserving Time in a little capsule known today as a photograph… because we can actually hear the image, too.
Forever and ever and ever.
Thank you my friend for always including us in your trip down memory lane.. I cannot speak for others but I know it brings me back as well and it is always an enjoyable ride.. God Bless You.. XXO