I’m grateful for life-long friends. It’s that simple today. I’ve been friends with a handful of girls throughout almost my entire life… we all met in elementary school – some of us as young as 5 years old! We’ve seen each other go through everything from 5 to 18 years old… and then we all went our separate ways. The beauty is that we’re all still friends. The beauty is that now – at the age of 37 years old – we can all come together and pick up where we left off back in the “good old days!”
I had dinner with 4 of my girlfriends last night and it was amazing. I sat there and couldn’t get over how good it felt to be with these girls who just love me for me. I don’t have to be anyone else in front of them. One of my friend’s said, “It feels so good to just be ourselves with each other.”
She couldn’t have said it any better.
I’m grateful.