My daughter is my best friend. She’s my sidekick. She’s my mini me. She’s my precious gift. I’m As a mom of 4 boys and then having a little girl, you can imagine how different it was for me to be welcomed into the world of GIRL. I was VERY used to do boy things with my William, Alex, Ben and Henry… not everything girl was on the horizon and I was excited because I knew it was going to be a fun experience to have with her.
There are 100’s of things I love to do with mt Victoria. She’s so much fun to do things with because she’s got a ton of energy and personality! I thought it would be fun to share a list of 101 things to do with your daughter, even if she’s on the young side (my daughter is 3 years old).
Every day is a gift with your child, it’s all about cherishing the moments.
101 Things to Do with your Daughter:
Manicures |
Enjoying Ice Cream Sundaes Together |
Swimming Lessons |
Sleepovers |
Bubble Baths |
Pedicures |
Hair Salon Time |
Shoe Shopping |
Making Cupcakes |
Bike Ride |
Pizza Making Night |
Hiking |
Walks Around the Neighborhood |
Lemonade Stand |
Making S’mores |
Disney Movie Night |
Hair Do Night |
Dress Shopping |
Snuggling on the Couch |
Legos |
Ballet Classes |
Water Slides |
Sledding |
Making Friendship Bracelets |
Baking Cookies |
Decorating HER Bedroom |
Craft Time |
Puzzles |
Board Games |
Reading Books Aloud |
Scrapbooking |
Mystery Rides |
Gymnastics Class |
Trampoline Park |
Bowling |
Jump Roping |
Hopscotch |
Playgrounds |
Zoo Trip |
Carousel Rides |
Computer Games |
Kite Flying |
Ice Skating |
NERF Wars |
Sewing Project |
Taco Night |
Halloween Costume Making |
Play-Doh Time |
Barbie Playing |
Bookstore Readings |
Local Museum |
Local Aquarium |
Local Planetarium |
Necklace Making |
Braiding Hair |
Dual Massages |
Surfing |
Beach Trip |
Mini Golf |
Batting Cages |
Waterskiing |
Make Your Own Chocolate |
Tie Dye Shirts |
CPR Class Together |
Volunterring |
Spa Day |
Library Time |
Fancy Lunch |
Tea Party |
Dress UP Day |
Card Games |
Picnic in the Park |
Roller Skating |
Arcade Fun |
Ear Piercing |
Amusement Park |
Theater Visit |
Instrument Lessons |
Finger Painting |
Pillow Forts |
Apple Picking |
Pumpkin Patch Time |
Day Trip to a City Nearby |
Flower Picking |
Strawberry Picking |
Hayride |
5K Together |
Sidewalk Chalk Time |
Start a Memory Journal |
Free Swim Time |
Make a Fun Video |
Breakfast for Dinner |
Karate |
Make Your Own Smoothies |
Train Ride |
Just Sit and Talk |
Long Car Rides Together |
Play Hookie for the Day |
Mom/Daughter Getaway Weekend |
Boat Ride |
Dance in the Rain |
The reason why I really wanted to create this post was because there are so many moms out there who say to me, “I don’t know what to do!” I want to find fun things to do with my daughter, but it’s not always easy to find then best things. Since moms and daughters love to be able to go all kinds of things, I thought it would be fun to create a big list!
I hope you take what you will from this list and let me know what I’m missing! I would love to add to this if it’s possible! I know that I must be missing so many things, so please drop me a comment or email me letting me know. I’m all about adding to this list and really amping up on things to do with your daughter. Since I didn’t have one for so long and really only knew BOY things, this for me is so much fun!!
We also do a ton of content on YouTube, so please make sure you’re checking out our channel! It’s a passion project and it’s something that we really take the time to do up and really share some fun things! My sons do it, too!
If you have sons (like me, too!), here’s my post of things to do with your sons! The lists aren’t THAT different! I love that my daughter loves to do things that my sons do, too! Maybe I should create a list of things to do with your kids! That would be a fun one!
Again – let me know what I’m missing and I will add it right on in!
I love all of these ideas! Now that my daughter is older, we are starting to do much more together.
WOW..there are some really great ideas here! We have 2 daughters (9 & 15) as well as a son (11). They each have their own likes/dislikes and it’s so much fun having some one-on-one time with each of them that match their interests. I especially love that our 9yo is so into baking and cooking. Thanks for sharing these ideas!
I love these ideas ! In our home, my girls and I loving having spa nights together. Nail painting, fixing each other’s hairs etc!
Wow, great list,,,,,,,now make one for a son and I;ll really be happy!!
This is all similar to what y wife loves to do with our daughter!! I know for her it was change to go from a girl to boys after her.
My daughter’s favorite thing to do is nails and movie night! Lot of great ideas.
This is a great list of things to do with your daughter! Glad you have a little girl to do all of these 101 things with her now! Maybe we need a list of 101 for boys too, I have two boys nearing ages 10 and 8 and so need ideas 😉
I have one!! 🙂 Will have to repost!! XOXO
My daughter is 14 and we do a lot together. Even just snuggling on the couch watching lame TV shows if fun. The boy child is much more ‘hands off’ than she is!
This is an awesome list of things to do with my daughter. I can’t wait until she’s old enough to do bike rides with her!
Cute list! However I only have boys LOL. Passing onto friends with daughters.
Awe, there was some awesome remiders in there. I have 2 daughters i gotta get good at these 🙂