My Grandkids and my Camera!
Well before iPhones, I was always attached to a camera.
Even as a very young kid, I was fascinated with keeping memories in snapshots of time.
One moment of Life.
Now, with 12 grandkids, those little one-moment-snapshots of time have become even more special to me because I truly understand just how fast those seconds pass.
My grandkids’ lives — at play, at rest, at school, church activities or sporting events, or simply being — are extraordinary moments to capture.
This past Saturday morning, I was at my 8-year old grandson Dylan’s basketball game. I love the action of these games. I love capturing something of games like these.
My camera never fails me.
Never has.
There is always a moment for me that otherwise would not have been lost, but maybe not noticed.
And there’s always a moment that having been captured, makes everyone smile.
See what I mean?
This is what I mean. In moments.
Just 2 moments:
1. Dylan going around his back with a pass to his teammate…
His Dad saw it. Pop-up saw it. I saw it through my screen.
Dylan knew he did it. His teammate caught the pass and made the basket.
It was amazing.
It was Bob Cousy and Magic Johnson all over again, decades later.
Dylan talked about it for the rest of the day! He will talk about it for a very long time!
This moment was captured. Forever.
2. Dylan speeding down court for a basket…
I love this captured moment. I love Dylan’s speed, his intensity. I love the reflections in the polished court. I love the retro mural, the player turning to shoot. I love the contrasts of old and new, youth and age, larger than life and real life. It makes me think of the history of the game of basketball and how many kids have played on this very court.
This is not a moment that Dylan would ever remember as memorable. None of us would.
The moment came.
The moment went.
Just like the behind-the-back pass moment.
Except unexceptional. Unimportant. Nothing like that exceptional, important behind-the-back pass, a memory for a lifetime!
But a one-moment-snapshot, just the same.
I will always treasure each of these moments… and millions more.
This is why I love cameras.
And always have!