I started my journey with SculpSure in November.
As a 39-year old married, mom of 5, I decided that it was something I wanted to do for myself.
Since having my youngest daughter Victoria in July of 2013, my body has just never been the same. And believe me, I work at it and (dare I say it) hard at it, too! I workout on a regular basis, switching between running/powerwalking and aerobics. I started doing Pure Barre last week to help with my flexibility and strength. I have always been a healthy eater, but I have really been more aware of what I’m putting in my body throughout the last few years. For all intents and purposes, I’m doing everything the “right” way to keep myself healthy and in shape.
Not to mention, as an “extra” workout bonus… I’m constantly chasing after 5 kids!
What I have discovered and just sort became “used” to was the fact that my jeans/pants/skirts/dresses were fitting my differently. With all the working out, with all the healthy eating, with all the everything… nothing was fitting like it used to fit. Since I work as fashion/lifestyle blogger, I started to become very conscious about what I was putting on and what I was showcasing online. I had become an “expert” at dressing my body perfect, really knowing what body parts I wanted and needed to disguise. How did I do that? Easy. I knew the areas on my body that I wanted to downplay and I knew the areas on my body I wanted to accentuate. I knew the exact kind of top that I felt comfortable wearing, along with the exact style/cut of dresses that I felt comfortable wearing. As all women know when it comes to dressing, you dress yourself to feel confident and beautiful, so make sure whatever you’re putting on gives you that inner power and strength.
But… after this past summer, I had had enough. I wanted to do something about the areas on my body that just wouldn’t give! I was ready (beyond ready) to do what I could to the certain stubborn areas on my body that I could get a little more contouring on. The two areas on my body that I wanted to target and was most self-conscious: my stomach and my flanks. These two specific areas were making it difficult for me to be comfortable wearing clothes that were tucked in, any kind of low-rise jeans or pants… or anything form fitting to my body (dresses/sweaters) without Spanx. Simply put, most of my clothing.
So, I turned to SculpSure to help me out. SculpSure for me was my light at the end of the tunnel. I wasn’t looking for drastic oh-my-god-you-look-like-a-different-person kind of changes – I just wanted to have some contouring done to my body to make me feel less self-conscious. I wanted it for me and me alone.
If you’re unfamiliar with SculpSure and new to my SculpSure journey, this is what SculpSure is all about:
SculpSure is a breakthrough in light-based body contouring designed to reduce stubborn fat in problem areas such as the abdomen and love handles, helping you achieve a slimmer and natural looking appearance without surgery or downtime.
Even with diet and exercise, most people have stubborn pockets of fat that seem impossible to lose. SculpSure’s body contouring technology is able to target and destroy these fat cells in just 25 minutes without affecting the skin’s surface. Over time, these damaged fat cells are naturally absorbed and removed from the body, with results seen as quickly as six weeks, and optimal results typically seen at 12 weeks. There is no recovery time following treatment, so you can resume your daily activities immediately.
What jumped out to me immediately is:
- There is no surgery
- There is no downtime
- Each treatment is just 25 minutes
Since my lifestyle is so busy with work and travel and keeping up with my family’s schedule, I knew this would be my very best option. No downtime. No surgery. Dr. Quibell in Boston, MA was my guiding light throughout the entire process. She’s an internist and what I love is that she brings a highly sought level of experience and training as a stand out provider in the cosmetic medicine industry for artfully delivering the aesthetic results you wish to achieve. What I loved about Dr. Quibell was that she was so honest and kind and open with me about the procedure. What I am most thankful of all for is that she discovered that I have a hernia in my abdomen, which I didn’t know about. So unfortunately right off the bat at my very first treatment, I wasn’t a candidate for the treatment in my abdomen region. I am beyond thankful for her discovering it. This is a perfect example as to why it’s important to make sure you’re going to a doctor who knows what they’re doing. The only option for me with my hernia is surgery to get it fixed, and it will be something I do in the future. Fortunately my flank region was still a GO for the SculpSure!
My (2) treatments with Dr. Quibell and her team were a breeze! You’re hooked up to the SculpSure machine in a comfortable way and the treatment cycles are only 25 minutes long. That’s it! The way SculpSure works is that the laser goes through cycle – you feel warmth and then a cool sensation. It literally cycles through these different levels of temperature. For me, it never got too hot where I needed to have them stop or turn it down. There’s a technician or doctor with you the entire time, so whenever you have a question, there’s someone there. The laser heat doesn’t get too bad at all, I told my husband the best way I could explain it to him was equating it to a bag of popcorn that you take out of the micro! It’s warm, but nothing you can’t handle when you place it on the counter to open and eat! It’s the best comparison I could think of for him! J
I was prepared for any of these (3) things to occur post-appointment on both treatments:
- Pain
- Discomfort doing exercise
- My flank region would look lumpy
I experienced none of these on both treatment cycles. As a matter of fact, I worked out after them on both occasions!
Throughout my experience I’ve had a few people ask me why I went ahead and had 2 treatments. This is a GREAT question and one that I think is important for anyone thinking about SculpSure. If you’re investing in SculpSure, you want to make sure you’re satisfied and happy at the end of the procedure, so you want to give yourself the best opportunity to feel that way. My advice, chat with your doctor about what they think and feel would be best for you. Everyone is different, I just wanted to make sure I was giving myself the best I could for a successful treatment.
I have been honored and thrilled to share this journey with you! I not only see a difference, most important… I SEE a difference. This was a BIG deal for me to do this because I’m usually scared to do anything… but this was something I had to do for me. I needed to feel confident and beautiful in my clothing and SculpSure helped make me feel just that – confident! As always, I’m open to ANY questions you have for me. I’ve loved answering all your questions so far and feel free to reach out via email (AudreyConfidential @ gmail.com) or FB/Twitter/IG). I’m here!
For anyone out there interested, find a physician near you here for the SculpSure treatment.
Now if you need me, I’m off to put on my jeans that I haven’t had on for a couple of years… with a shirt TUCKED IN!
Disclosure: This blog is sponsored by SculpSure and Cynosure, Inc. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.
That’s kind of awesome. I love that it doesn’t involve any crazy metal wands or suction or other insane stuff. And speaking of insane… Why exactly did you think you needed this? You are about as big as a minute. LOL
You look beautiful and amazing! It’s good to know that you can resume exercise after treatments and that there’s no pain.
That is so exciting for you! I know how you feel with working out like crazy and still not seeing certain changes you were hoping for. This might be a great option for me!
Our bodies are definitely never the same after we have kids. And it is hard to see results of diet and exercise when middle aged metabolism strikes. Glad you were so happy with this!
Thanks for sharing this info with us. My wife has been talking about getting this, and I’ve really had no idea what the heck she was talking about.
That is the coolest thing ever! I must try this!!!