Believe it or not, I just celebrated my 18 Year Anniversary! 18 years! It feels like yesterday that I walked down the aisle to my handsome husband to be, beaming from ear to ear. It was one of the very best day’s of my life. When I think back to that day, what made it so special and beautiful and perfect for me was that everyone I loved and cared about was there to see us. But what made the day the best day ever for me was that I married my best friend.
18 Year Anniversary
I married my husband at the young age of 23 years old (he was 26 years old), not knowing what life had in store… but knowing I just wanted him by my side. I can’t quite describe what I felt when I first met Matt. I just knew that he was the one. I just knew that I wanted to be teamed up with him forever and ever.
My takeaway from being married for 18 years? Marry someone who gets you, loves you and supports you. I’ve always said that Matt keeps me sane because he’s the chillest, most laid back man in the world. It’s all about the balance. On our 18 Year Anniversary I’m seeing that the secret to marriage is truly marrying someone who gets you.
One of my most favorite love quotes of all says, “I’d choose you. And I’ll choose you, over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.” I would choose my husband again. I would choose him tomorrow and next week and next year. I would choose him. You go into marriage not knowing what’s before you, but as time and history starts to weave within the fabric of your lives, you see clearly WHY you chose this particular person.
Marriage isn’t always easy. It’s about the good and the bad days. It’s about the successful and the not so successful days. It’s about staying strong and committed on the days where you’re about to tap out. It’s about always remembering at the end of the day, when you’re heading to bed WHY you chose each other. It’s looking into each other’s eyes and just knowing that you’re there for each other. You get each other and you’re always going to get each other. There’s something peaceful about that feeling.
I thought it would be fun to share 18 Things About Us on our 18 Year Anniversary:
1️⃣ My husband gets a kick out of the fact that he takes 345 photos of me in the same dress, so I can pick 1 to use on the blog and/or social ??♀️
2️⃣ The day we got married it was 110 degrees outside! It was so hot some of my bridesmaids cut the tulle under their dresses with butter knives to stay cool!
3️⃣ Our first apartment was a tiny shoebox sized apartment in NYC because it was all we could afford (at $1450/month!)
4️⃣ We caught about 3 mice a day in the apartment ?
5️⃣ The 2 things we’re probably the most different on is music choices and TV choices
6️⃣ That being said, he’ll watch Hallmark movies with me and not physically complain. ?? 7️⃣ We first met at a college party when we were both dating other people. I actually DO remember thinking how cute (I used the word hot) he was ☺️
8️⃣ Matt taught me how to change diapers for the first time when we had William (his mom runs a daycare, so diaper changes were second nature)
9️⃣ When I first found out I was pregnant with William, Matt wanted to name him M (just the letter) ??♀️
? When I told Matt I wanted to give this blogging thing a whirl, he didn’t hesitate at all. This was back in 2007 when social media certainly wasn’t what it is today. Love that he believed in me.
1️⃣1️⃣ Matt’s a Scorpio, I’m a Gemini.
1️⃣2️⃣ Every morning Matt pours me coffee before he leaves for work ?
1️⃣3️⃣ Matt cooks dinner every single night ??
1️⃣4️⃣ He loves a good Instagram laugh (see photo)
1️⃣5️⃣ He’s usually behind the camera more than he is in front, but he’s the glue to what I do for a living.
1️⃣6️⃣ I’ve always believed in past lives. I know somewhere, somehow we’ve always been together.
1️⃣7️⃣ Matt calls me “munchkin”
1️⃣8️⃣ As crazy as life can get… in the good days and the bad days, he’s my person. He’s my one. Marry someone who gets you, loves you and supports you for who you are. Maybe because we’ve kinda grown up together (I met Matt when I was 19), but everything I do and strive for is because of this man and what he’s given me.
We celebrated our 18 Year Anniversary with sleeping late, strawberry picking and heading out to dinner to one of our fave Greek restaurants (Kleo’s). We kicked off the day with heading BACK to Blithewold Mansion in Bristol, RI (where our reception was) for some reenacting of photos! Our oldest son took them for us, which was fun, too!!
Date Night for our Anniversary
Best Anniversary without Spending a Dime
Drone Footage of our Anniversary
Chatham Bars Inn in Chatham, MA
Love for you to check out our YouTube channel for some more family footage from throughout the years!
Happy Anny!