This time of year is my favorite time of year! Fall is in the air and I love it. I’m all about fun family Autumn Activities to do with the kids. I’m going to be honest with you – as my kids are getting older and older it’s becoming more and more obvious and apparent to me that time waits for nobody. It’s crazy to me that my kids are as old as they are, so I’m embracing every single second I have with them right now.
Autumn Activities

I love this time of year specifically because it’s a great time to be able to do so many different activities with each other. In the winter it’s too cold to be outside for long. In the spring the weather is so iffy, you just never ever know if your plans are going to pan out. In the summer it’s so hot, all you want to do is go to the beach and the pool. When Autumn rolls around it’s perfect because you can do so much weather wise and activity wise!
Autumn Activities are fun because I feel like (especially around us in Rhode Island) that’s there are so many fall offerings and fall happenings. All you need to do is look online and you’re greeted with a menu of options. The best part? Everything is fun to do and everything is easy to accomplish with your family.
I’m sharing with you today 10 Autumn Activities that we love to do as a family together. It’s funny because I feel like we just got off one of the best summers ever for us, but still… my kids were super excited for fall to be here! They were really amped up for some fall fun and since this has become my fave time of year, it got me in the spirit, too!
I’ve got to kick it off with football right now. My family is a HUGE football family. My husband played football in high school in western Pennsylvania where his town literally stopped on game nights. He also brought the Steelers love to my family – well, everyone but me! But whenever football is on right now, it’s ON at our house… especially the NFL! Since it is a divided house, we have a ton of fun with each other about the Patriots and the Steelers. If you’re a football family you know that Autumn Activities are many times centered around football. Since my son William is now a high schooler, we’re big into those games, too!
You can’t go into the fall without a pumpkin! This is one of my fave Autumn Activities because I just feel like it’s so iconic for fall and everyone gets into it. We just started going to a place called “4 Town Farms” to get our pumpkins. They take you out on a tractor to a beautiful patch and you pick your perfect pumpkin. The kids love it and I just think it’s a tradition that they will love forever!
Working off of one of my fave Autumn Activities – once you get your “perfect pumpkin” you then carve it! We always carve our pumpkins on Halloween afternoon. I don’t know why it’s always been that specific day, but my husband started this with the kids when they were little and it’s always been the same. After we carve them we pop them outside for the trick or treaters.
I love apple picking as one of my must do Autumn Activities with the kids. When I was a kid we would go apple picking with my family and I always loved coming home to my mom peeling the apples and then making applesauce or an apple pie! Apple picking is so much fun because you can really get some delicious and fresh apples! My kids just love to see how many apples we can fit in the bag that we buy! As old as the kids have gotten, this still remains as a family fave.
We haven’t done this in years, but this is something I want to start doing again. When I was a kid every single October my parents would pick one weekend and we would go to Salem, MA. There were all this haunted happenings going on and it was just a really fun experience. There’s so much rich history there and now that my kids are older, I feel like they would really understand it now.
My husband is all about Halloween, but he’s more about making his own costumes. When he was a kid his mom made all of his costumes and it’s something that she passed down to him. He loves to come up with some really cool ideas and then make them with the kids. I’m always amazed as to what they come up with and how they come out! This is a fun family activity! DIY Halloween Costume!
My husband is also a big crafter! In particular making Halloween crafts is something he loves to do with the kids. He’s been doing this with them since they were toddlers! He still gets the “big guys” involved in them, too! There are so many options on Pinterest, but we love making easy ones – Spooky Spiders and Halloween Teeth! It’s just a fun weekend activity to do.
Never underestimate a pile of leaves for a kid! We have millions of leaves in our yard, so every year we spend an entire weekend doing a fall cleanup. These kinds of Autumn Activities are fun because they’re free and also family friendly for everyone! Last year the boys made a MASSIVE leaf pile and had a blast! I kept looking outside thinking, “They’re 14 and 13 years old and still love this!”
OK… Autumn Activities can’t be fulfilled unless you go to a Fall Festival during this time of year! It feels so Gilmore Girls to me. We live in New England so I feel like we have the perfect backdrop for Fall Festivals. I love going and having fun with friends and my family. There’s games and face painting and food and just a whola lotta fun! It’s a great afternoon for any family!
We live near a ton of fun places to hike. It’s such a beautiful time of year here with the leaves changing and everything so pretty around us. It’s a fun time to just get out there and walk through the beauty of it all. I love doing this because it gets everyone outside and moving, but it’s also a really fun family activity!
Also – check out my YouTube Channel for some additional fun!