Pregnancy Pampering – 12 Things To Do for the Pregnant Mom in your Life

I’m all about pregnancy pampering. One of the most important things to do is pamper the pregnant lady in your life. I was pregnant 5 times and it was incredible to be pampered by my husband, my kids and my family and friends. There are just some really nice things you can do to help out someone who is pregnant and make them feel good.

Pregnancy Pampering

Pregnancy Pampering

When was the last time you were pampered? I know with 4 teen sons and a 6 year old daughter, pampering comes in the form of just crashing on the couch at night sometimes! When I was pregnant, the pampering sessions were so needed. They were much more needed than I need them now. Pregnancy pampering is the best gift you could give someone in your life.

What are some ways you can do some pregnancy pampering?

Pregnancy Pampering
William and Mommy – September 2nd, 2004

I’m sharing 12 Pregnant Pampering Ideas for you to do for a pregnant mom in your life.

1. Prenatal Massage – If you’re able to gift to someone a pregnant massage, do it! I had a massage weekly when I was pregnant with my first son. It was heaven. I loved going and just being able to have someone work on me for 45 minutes. Every ache and pain was massaged and I felt as good as new when I left.

pregnancy pampering

2. Pedicure/Manicure – It’s one of those little perks that you just look forward to doing. This way of pregnancy pampering is wonderful because you can go 2 times a month! You’re able to just do a little something special and fun for yourself. It’s amazing how good it feels to put your feet up and just let someone do all the work for you! Not to mention – you can’t see your toes when you’re really pregnant!

3. Nap Time – It’s one of those things you don’t realize you will miss until you actually have your baby or babies. I haven’t napped in years! This is such a great time and opportunity to lay down and let your body catch up on sleep. The best is when the people in your life let you take a nap, this is key.

Best Naptime

4. Head to the Movies – When it comes to pregnancy pampering, an afternoon or night out to the movies is a really big deal. I love going to the movies, but when you have little kids it can be tough to do. Embrace the time now with a little pampering and get yourself to the movies to see a show!

Movies on a Family NIght

5. Eating Dinner Out – This might not seem like the biggest deal, but it is! Enjoy a long and beautiful time eating out. You won’t have to rush out or worry about eating quickly so your kids won’t have a meltdown. I love eating out and this is such a wonderful way to pamper yourself. Even when you have kids and are pregnant again, make sure you enjoy a night out to dinner!

6. Walk on the Beach – Pamper yourself with a nice walk on the beach. Feet in the sand. Listen to the waves. Enjoy some beautiful time for yourself. I know when I head to the beach with my kids, I’m always on alert. Allow some time for yourself to just relax and take in the beauty that the beach has to offer.

7. Prenatal Exercise – Make sure you consult with a doctor before you do any exercise, but this is totally classifies as pregnancy pampering! I loved talking walks during my pregnancies. It was such a nice treat to be able to get outside and get my body moving. I just love being able to enjoy some time taking care of my body, too. This will be helpful during childbirth.

pregnancy pampering

8. Yoga – Such a wonderful way to pamper yourself. I never did this during my pregnancies and I wish I had! This is a great way to center yourself and really give yourself the time to relax. I know that yoga works miracles on so many people and during pregnancy it’s a great time to start it or continue it.

9. SHOPPING TIME – Don’t laugh at this one because I’m serious! How can shopping help or contribute to pregnancy pampering? Easy! Indulge and get some items that you need for YOU! Maybe it’s some clothes. Maybe it’s some books. Maybe it’s some shoes. Whatever it is that you need, stock UP!

10. Girl’s Day or Afternoon OUT – There’s nothing like some laughter! I’m all about a girl’s ANYTHING! Grab your girls and head out for a lunch or a dinner. Just sit back and be with the people who love you and want the best for you. You can laugh and gossip and just chat all night! This is so good for the soul!

Girls Day Out Pregnant
When you weigh as much as your 9-months-pregnant sister, things ain’t right

11. Meditation – I love to meditate. I think people sometimes think you need an hour to meditate. I just love to lay in bed either to start the day or end the day and just “zone” out. I do some meditation exercises and it works like a charm to calm me down.

12. TV and/or Movie Day – Have you ever dreamed of having a movie day? Just sitting down with your feet up, enjoying the remote all day long? I would watch HALLMARK all day! This is a dream for so many women and when you’re pregnant, this is just a great thing to do! Let the pregnant mama in your life pamper herself this way!

Pregnancy Pampering - 12 ways to Pamper Yourself while Pregnant

You want to be happy when you’re pregnant! You want to be relaxed when you’re pregnant! You want to make sure you’re doing everything you can to give yourself the time right now to pamper yourself as much as you can. I wrote a blog post called 5 Ways to Be Happy, which I hope will help, too!

Check out my $50 Dunkin Gift Card Giveaway, too! Super easy way to enter and you will love it!

For any of my pregnant mom friends who love to shop, I have a Facebook Group that is all about the fashion deals! Come on over and join on in, it’s called Fashion Deals – Daily Dose of Style!


About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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  1. 6.22.20
    mami2jcn said:

    These are all great ideas. I would add that offering to pay for a housecleaning service would also pamper a pregnant mom.

  2. 6.22.20

    These are great ideas for pregnancy pampering.

  3. 6.22.20
    Debbie Welchert said:

    What a lot of great advice. I know I could have used a lot of them. The nap is my favorite one.

  4. 6.23.20
    rana durham said:

    i will have to share this to all mommies i know NS THE NEW MOMMIES because they would enjoy it.

  5. 7.2.20
    Ashleigh Hack said:

    love these ideas!!

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