Looking for the cutest holiday hairstyle ever? Check out this reindeer hairstyle for the holidays for your little one. It’s a showstopper and one that you will want to do every holiday season!
Reindeer Hairstyle for the Holidays
Creating holiday hairstyles is one of the cutest things to do with your kids. When my sons were younger I would dye their hair red and green for school, just to they would be festive. They loved it.
With my daughter I’m all about creating the cutest holiday hairstyles I possibly can. Festive hairstyles are the best because they can be worn to parties, school or just out and about town. This Reindeer Hairstyle is a fan favorite of ours and I’m excited to showcase it here for you.
When it comes to holidays every child knows the song “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!” I feel like it’s one of those songs and stories that kids first hear about Christmas. It’s a cute story with a fun and special message. My daughter loves the song and story and wanted me to create a Reindeer Hairstyle.
She saw someone on YouTube with one and thought it was adorable. She showed me immediately and I (quickly) realized I didn’t have the accessories to make it work. Since we have (thank GOD) been doing crafts for the holidays, I had some items around the house I could improvise with.
This is a big *note here because I want you to know that you can make things work when it comes to hairstyles. I don’t have all the latest and greatest accessories from Claire’s or specialty shops, but I can look around my house and make things work for us.
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Hairstyle requires:
- Antlers
- Red Nose
- Eyes
*I will share how we created these below!
Items you Need for the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Hairstyle:
- Elastic Band
- 3 Bobby Pins
I’m going to share the YouTube video we created of this Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Hairstyle Tutorial. If you have any questions, definitely drop below in the comments.
How to Create this Simple Festive Hairstyle for the Holidays:
- Brush your hair straight and make sure all the tangles/knots are out.
- Take the hair and bring it together like you’re making a ponytail.
- Start to twist the hair and as you twist turn it into a spiral (as you’ll see in the video).
- Once done, secure into place with an elastic. You can use 2 or 3 – whatever you need to do to keep it in place.
- Take your Red Nose pom pom and place in the center of the bun.
- Take your eyes and place above the spiral bun.
- Take your antlers and place next to the eyes.
Everything is in place and you’ll easily see your Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer face take shape!
Make Your Own Accessories:
Red Pom Pom Nose: Take a red pom pom and hot glue it to a Bobby Pin.
Eyeballs: Take construction paper and make eyeballs with white and black paper.
Pipe Cleaners: Create these to look like antlers.
*You can head to Michael’s or CVS or any other crafting store to pick up these materials. You can also use a red ribbon for the red nose if you can’t find any pom poms. Again – you can be as creative as you want to be as you create these fun hairstyles.
Here is the easiest way for you to make your own accessories. You can really have some fun with these. If you don’t have hot glue, you can use regular glue. As long as you don’t have glue residue that will get in their hair, you’re good to go with these simple hair hacks.
I’ve been creating some other hairstyles for girls during the holidays. Make sure you check out how cute these are for the holiday season. I’ve got some styles for the moms and also for the kids, too!
For the Kids: Easy Festive Hairstyles
For the Moms: 6 Easy Festive Hairstyles for the Holidays
If you’re thinking ahead to St. Patrick’s Day, check out these cute Shamrock Pigtails. You could do these for holiday styles, too by just add big red bows!
Let me know what you do and share away with me!! I love being able to see the different styles that people come up with and try out that we share.
Also LOVE for you to follow me on Instagram and TikTok! I share a hairstyle every single day on these channels! Just easy and practical hairstyles for moms to do on their hair and their kids.
And (you’ll see from the video above of the Reindeer Hairstyle) that I created a NEW YouTube Channel featuring our hairstyles. Love for you to head over and SUBSCRIBE to our channel. We’re having a ton of fun creating hairstyles to share.
Great hairstyles for the festive season. The reindeer one is so cute!