My Victoria is 9 years old. I simply can’t believe it. Victoria is the girl who counts down for her birthday all year long, which always makes me smile and laugh. She’s constantly updating me on how much longer it is and loves knowing it’s getting closer and closer. Since she has a summer birthday, I like to stretch it out for her because I know she misses out on some fanfare with friends who are either away or just busy during the summer to celebrate.
This is 9️⃣! 🎉
Victoria is a rainbow baby. I miscarried in July of 2012 and it was very difficult on my heart. I had been trying for a baby so hard and was so devastated to find out that it wasn’t viable. When I got pregnant again in October of 2012, I was ecstatic, but also very nervous. I didn’t want anything to happen to my pregnancy or my baby-to-be. I have to say, it was the longest 39 weeks of my life (she was born via c-section).
When Victoria was placed in my arms, it was the most peaceful feeling I had ever felt. She was here and she was fine. My daughter. I hadn’t been able to say that before.
And now my is my best little friend. She’s everything to me. Victoria is my sweet and sassy, funny and silly, gentle and kind, caring and loving girl. She’s tough, which I can thank her 4 brothers for. I love that she can hold her own with them. She’s sweet as a button, always giving me an extra hug and kiss.
She loves Harry Potter, the color blue, rocket ice pops, stuffed animals, hanging out with her friends, and Dunkin’ vanilla coolattas.
My favorite time with her is driving to school (she gives me the lowdown on everything, which I love)… and doing her hair. She makes me laugh. She makes me smile. And she makes my heart soar.
The older she gets, the more I realize just how badly I needed her. She’s my sidekick. My anchor. My built-in bestie. It’s not easy living with 5 guys 😜, but we’ve got each other! 🥰
As always, for my kids birthdays I make them birthday videos. This is a tradition that I love! Here’s my Victoria’s 9th!
Happy 9 to my best girl! Love you crazy!