Today is the last day of school for my crew.
William has completed 5th grade.
Alex has completed 4th grade.
Ben has completed 3rd grade.
Henry has completed 2nd grade.
This year went by in a flash and that kind of scares me! It is making me truly realize first-hand how quickly time really does go by! I feel like I JUST put these 4 little faces off on the bus for the first day of school!
But, no… this morning, I took this photo of these 4 handsome boys right before the bus came around the corner. It’s funny, they all still seem so young to me, but in reality – they’re getting big. I can tell that Benjamin grew like a little weed this year! William looks more like a teenager as he’s leaving 5th grade. My Alex is STILL wearing sports attire, so some things just never change – at least not in the last 180 days. My Henry, the kid still has the best hair. I love that he still asks me to help him style it up.
And Victoria.
Yes, I had to have some fun with her. She’s been an only child this whole school year and has loved every single second of it. But… I will say, as soon as she hears the school bus come down the street, she always yells, “My boys are home!” Her boys.
As this 2015-2016 school year comes to an end, I can’t help but feel bittersweet. My sons have been blessed beyond blessed to have the most incredible teachers again this year. It actually makes me sad to know that my sons are “aging up” and leaving these wonderful women who have helped mold them this year. As a parent you hope and pray that your child(ren) will be placed with the “right” teacher or teachers at the beginning of every school year. We hit the jackpot this year. Each teacher gave such love and passion and patience and creativity. I knew every single day with my sons heading into school that it was going to be a good day for them. There’s something very peaceful about knowing that simple truth about your children and their education.
My sons will be together next year in school for the last time until they’re ALL in high school together. As they went off this morning on the bus together, I had this calming feeling of “one more year”… this isn’t the last of the 4 of them together yet! It was nice knowing that they’d have that gift of togetherness and familiarity again next year.
I’m waiting on the bus to arrive now.
I know my kids will be smiling and happy when they come off the bus!
I know Alex will try ONE MORE time to make a basketball shoot from the street into the hoop in our driveway for his bus driver. He’s been trying to nail this shot for weeks for her!
I know Ben will be bouncing off the bus excited to show me any extra artwork left in his desk and ask me if he can have ice cream as a “special treat!”
I know Henry will be reporting excitedly about all the stuff that they did today at school!! Also begging me to set up a playdate with Evan!
And I know my William will be excited to show me his report card. This kid works so hard and he’s been gunning for straight A’s for the full school year. I’m hoping he gets to show me this feat!
Summer will begin the second they step off the bus. It will be crazy and busy and loud and non-stop. But my kids are home on a well deserved school break!
Happy Summer everyone!
It’s FINALLY the last day of school here!
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