First Day of School at a New School and Being the New Kids


Where did summer go? How did it fly by so quickly?

Truth be told, I’ve been super excited and super nervous about this day since we moved here. In all honesty, one of the main reasons we decided to move here was for the schools, so this was a really big day for my sons. The boys have been really excited, sprinkled with a little anxiety about starting a new school this year. We did everything we could to prepare for today… bought all the necessary school supplies, gone to all the orientations, read all the materials, got haircuts and new clothes and shoes and even showed the bus route. Still – here I am – hoping it was enough.

I woke up this morning at 5:30AM to William’s alarm clock going off. He’s been SO excited for school to start, he’s been ready for today and getting back to school all summer. School is his haven and I love that about him. Alex got up with William and they got dressed and were definitely excited about heading off to the bus stop. I tried my best to not be a nervous mom, I didn’t want to get too much in their way. I made breakfast for them, packed their lunches and made their “necessary” First Day of School signs. Nobody gave me push back on the signs, they know this is “my” thing and I appreciated it because I’ll be doing this all the way thru high school (maybe college!). It’s funny – Ben and Henry slept while all this was happening because their bus is an hour and 20 minutes after William and Alex’s! Crazy! But it was good because it really gave me time to be with William and Alex this morning.

And then off they went to the bus stop. This was the 1st year I didn’t wait with them, I just watched from afar. I watched them cross the street and load on and tried to grab a photo, but it all happened too fast. As I was walked back to our house, I just started to cry… the same tears I cried when they 1st went off to preschool. It was the unknown and it was something that I knew they were ready for, but maybe I just wasn’t quite yet. As I started to get that ugly crying coming on, I heard a ding on my phone and it was my son Alex with a text, “Love you Mom” with a heart attached. That simple text made my life.

When I walked through the door, poor Ben and Henry saw my sobbing! LOL! They thought something was wrong, nope… just a lot of emotions going through me! Ben and Henry… still being my “little” guys are a little more dependent on me (and I love it). I made them breakfast and packed them lunches and really had some fun talking about their new school. They definitely seemed excited for the day, which is great because I’d rather have that today than tears from them! The hour and 20 minutes just flew by and off to the bus stop we went with them!

As they drove off on the bus, I took a deep breath. Everyone’s on their way. Everyone’s starting a new chapter today. There’s nothing I can do but hope and pray that they have a great 1st day and meet lots of new kids. That’s it. I’ve done all I can do. It was weird having 2 of them go to one school and 2 of them go to another school today. I’m used to ONE school, but it’s comforting to know that each of them have someone.

Here’s to hoping there’s lots of smiles tonight at dinner!

And so… if you need me today, I’ll be on my couch waiting for the end of school and the school bus!

About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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