30 Days of KINDNESS

30 Days of KINDNESS – We need more kindness in this world right now! Kindness to each other. Kindness to our neighbors. Kindness to our communities. Kindness to ourselves. I try the best that I can to be kind and surround myself with KIND people.

I wanted to create something that would hopefully inspire and motivate people to do something special for each other. The world would be a much better place if more people were tuned into being the best kind of people that they could be. I love seeing kindness spread to everyone.

30 Days of KINDNESS

30 Days of Kindness

I came up with this idea for 30 Days of Kindness because I wanted to inspire my kids to do it with me. If we teach kindness and the importance of it and the beauty behind it to our kids, magic happens! I’m a big believer in what you put out you get back and kindness certainly goes a very long way.

Printable for Health

What is the pure definition of KINDNESS? It’s pretty simple.

noun: kindness
1. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
Be friendly. Be generous. Be considerate. It’s the best way to be and it’s the best way to live. If you stop and think about it, who are the people you love to be around? Are they KIND? I bet they are. Kind people are magnets for people. They’re just genuinely good, solid, amazing people. Being kind isn’t a hard thing to do, but it’s something that I feel like I just don’t see as often as I’d love to in this world right now.
I would love for you to take part in my 30 Days of Kindness! It’s easy! Start whenever you want and for 30 Days follow along with what “KINDNESS” task is assigned for the day!! I tried to make them all pretty simple and pretty straightforward. I didn’t want this to be anything that was too difficult to do!! Being KIND shouldn’t be hard, right?! I also tried to make it where I’m encouraging KINDNESS in many different ways!
I made 2 versions… one in pink and one in yellow! Find one that you like the best and hang it up! Make sure you inspire others in your life to do this, too! It would be so much fun to see all these people expressing their kindness!! I love this so much!!
30 Days of Kindness Challenge 30 Days of Kindness Challenge
Feel free to print these out and have some extra KIND fun for the next 30 DAYS!! Random Acts of Kindness are amazing, too!

About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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  1. 10.19.18
    Dana Rodriguez said:

    I love this idea! Thanks for the printables!

  2. 10.19.18
    bn100 said:

    nice list of things to do

  3. 10.20.18
    mami2jcn said:

    These are amazing ideas! I especially like writing a letter to a soldier…I’m going to find out how to do that! My kids love writing to pen pals.

  4. 10.20.18
    Tracie Cooper said:

    I love these ideas and definitely want to participate.

  5. 10.21.18
    sandra said:

    great printable

  6. 10.22.18
    Michelle J. said:

    What a beautiful idea. Thanks for sharing!

  7. 10.25.18
    Mary Gardner said:

    This is such a great idea. I am using your list and starting today!

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