What You Can Expect from ME in 2019

I’ve been waiting for 2019 with wide, open arms! I’ve been ready for her to start because I really love the idea of a New Year – 365 new chances and new beginnings to new EVERYTHING! 2018 wasn’t a bad year by any means… there were definitely some struggles, but the good absolutely outweighed the bad. 2018 brought some really BIG things into my life… a full year in our new home and our new town, Victoria starting Kindergarten, Permission to Hustle Retreat coming to fruition, working with my family more (which has been wonderful), honing in on what’s important in life and really taking stock on what makes me happy. I truly was mindful in 2018 about myself and relationships in my life and what and were I really want to go in life. I actually think 2018 taught me a bunch about myself and for that – I’m very thankful.

2019! I’m here and I’m ready for you!

Audrey McClelland Mom Generations Founder

I always love to kick off the New Year with a quick update on what you can expect from me this year!! I’m really passionate about creating the best kind of content on my blog and on my social media channels, so it’s important for me to share with you where I want to go in 2019 with myself on social and on MomGenerations.com and also with Permission to Hustle.

Audrey McClelland Fashion Blogger

@AudreyMcClellan on SOCIAL MEDIA (Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter)

Let’s just face the facts about social media in 2019… it’s all out there! There’s a filter for everything, a hashtag for everything and a emoji for everything! I can’t even begin to tell you just how much has changed since when I first started 12 years ago! Listen – change it good – so I’m embracing it, but my goodness – it’s CRAZY!! Here’s my BIG goals for my personal social media channels – I’m stepping up my game. If you’ve been following me on Pinterest and Instagram lately, you’ve already seen this change take place. I’m keen on making sure that my photos are clear and clean. I’m keen on making sure my photos tell a story. I’m keen on making sure the content I share on these channels is good content, not something that was whipped up in a second! Times have changed, Instagram and Pinterest (especially) are big targets for new readers and audiences, so I’m uping my game on both of them even more this year! One big thing I will NOT do is filter, filter, filter… I want you to meet me and say, “Oh – you actually do look like you!” I never want to go too far where the photos are so filtered that it doesn’t even look like me. I still believe in my heart and my soul that you need to make sure you’re being YOU on these channels. I will continue to keep being me and not a brushed up filtered self of me!! I have my 4 teen sons keeping me accountable, too! LOL!! But really – you will see me up’ing my game on these channels and even back more and more on Twitter!

MomGenerations.com CONTENT for 2019
What can yo expect from me this year? Well… I’ll tell you what – I’m going to be sharing more personal content here, too. I know it’s a traffic and numbers game, but I also believe that blogs started because of storytelling and I’ve seen too many of my blogging friends leaving that model. Believe me – I understand why… and I will be creating more content that is shareable worthy, too – but I do want to bring in more personal content, too. I used to always think of my blog as a wonderful digital scrapbook for my kids. I want them to look back now and even years from now and see stories about our family and what we were like at different moments. This is important to me. I will also be REALLY amping up the FASHION content this year! I’m 40 years old now… and I feel like I’m at an age where moms start going back to who they were before they had babies. When I had little kids I was always running around in yoga pants, but now at 40 years old – I CARE ABOUT WHAT YOGA PANTS I HAVE ON!! LOL!! You’re also going to be seeing a bunch more recipes and listicle type content, too!! I love giving advice and I’m excited to be sharing that kind of content with you, too!

YouTube – Lights, Camera, Action
Video content is something I’m really going to be going heavy on throughout the year! We love doing content when it comes to our family online and we really want to grow our YouTube channel more and more and more! I would love for you to come on over and give us a follow in the meantime!! My goal is to try and get to 15K subscribers by the May 1st – so this is something I’m going to go after BIG TIME this year!!! YouTube.com/MomGenerations

Permission to Hustle and Audrey/Vera
Audrey McClelland and Vera Sweeney
OK, we’re going to be BIG TIME pushing content out together this year!! We would love for you to check us out wherever you can!! We will be shooting a weekly digital show, a podcast and sending out our newsletters, too! We’re really excited to be amping this kind of content out and want you to be part of it, too!!

Thank you for joining me on this journey! If you’re new or reader from before, thank YOU!!

May 2019 be your year my friends!


About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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