We’ve officially started our distance learning in the McClelland family. I’ve been working with my 1st grader one on one because she needs me to help her out right now. I’ve been taking the time to find some additional schoolwork for her to do and love sharing it with you. Here are some addition coloring worksheets we’re loving.
Addition Coloring Worksheets
These addition coloring worksheets are fun for little ones in elementary school and can also be good busy work, too! I wanted to be able to find some math coloring pages that kids could color in and also do addition from, too. My daughter loves graphics on pages, so these were perfect for her. I also know that with distance learning there’s some downtime and it’s important to have worksheets on hand.
I wanted to make sure these addition coloring worksheets were good for every student in elementary school. Even kids in 3rd grade who these math equations might be too easy for, these are just fun for them to do, too. I’m all about spreading the math love the best way I possibly can with these addition coloring worksheets.
These addition coloring worksheets are super fun and hopefully will help some of the moms and dads out there:
The one above is one that I created, but the ones below are ones that I found online through my favorite educational resources:
I hope these help! I know that these are helpful for us and I love doing what I can to help other moms and dads, too! I think anyway we can help each other is KEY right now! We’re all in this together and we don’t want to forget that about everything right now in this world.
Excited to share with you all about my fashion and beauty loves with you right now through my Facebook page! This has turned into my favorite spot online and I love sharing there every single day! It’s been an outlet for me to be open and honest about my fashion loves! It’s a great place to learn new things, so I hope you come on over! I’m also going to be starting a kid fashion one soon, too!
Loving this Fashion Over 40 – Daily Dose of Style Facebook Group (that I would LOVE for you to join) and I share trends and styles every single day in there, along with the best sales online for fashion. I fully believe that you can and should be able to look your best without breaking the bank. You want to feel confident and beautiful and you CAN! I hope my info helps! We have a ton of fashion fun in there! And you don’t need to be 40 years old!!!!!!!
HEAD ON OVER AND JOIN US HERE!!! I also share beauty tips there, too. Love your support and let me know what it is you’re looking for, too!
Make sure you share with me if there’s something you love and I missed it on the blog! See my last post on my Math Coloring Pages! I’m all about sharing everything I can when it comes to fashion and beauty! Hope these posts help you out!