MilkWise Market Tour in Providence #MilkWise

Providence is my hometown. It’s where I grew up. It’s where I went to college. And it’s where I’m raising my family. Providence (and the surrounding areas) is home to me.

As you can imagine, I was ECSTATIC when I found out that MilkWise would be making a stop in Providence for their local-market tour this September. I have become OBSESSED with MilkWise and I love that they’re traveling around New England with their sampling truck, allowing people to try and fall in love with their product! For those of you who might not be familiar, MilkWise is a new, innovative milk that was specifically designed for milk lovers who aren’t getting what they desire from their current milk of beverage choice. MilkWise is a delicious, refreshing milk beverage with less sugar, fewer calories and more calcium than traditional milk.

Burnside Park, right in Kennedy Plaza was the perfect spot for MilkWise to sample their yummy product on September 26th and 28th. What I love about Burnside Park is that there is the perfect mix of commuters, families, college students and tourists walking around. It really was a wonderful spot to get a true mix of people – different ages, different backgrounds – to try and sample MilkWise. I was really excited to head there myself and check everything out!

As soon as I parked my car, I spotted the MilkWise mobile right at the beginning of Burnside Park, it immediately made me smile… not to mention, it was a gorgeous day on the 28th!


It was awesome to walk up to the table where the MilkWise samples were and see people in line waiting to try some out. People were immediately intrigued by the taste and the health benefits, which was exactly how I was when I first heard about MilkWise. I loved seeing people delighted after one sip and really enjoying their sample and wanting to try more and more! The awesome thing was coupons were on site for people to head out to Stop & Shop and Shaw’s (locally) and buy some for their homes. I even took a sip myself… or two!! 🙂

MilkWise Sampling

And – for you Rhode Islanders… you’ll love hearing this, MilkWise had Ellie’s Bakery power bar treats on hand, too! It was a fabulous combination with the MilkWise samplings!

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The 3 flavors that MilkWise offers are:

1. Original
2. Vanilla
3. Reduced Sugar Vanilla

My personal favorite is the Vanilla… I have been using it endlessly!

Limor Suss, an entertaining and lifestyle expert was on-hand with MilkWise as their on-site spokesperson passing out samples and chatting with people. I had the chance to spend a good amount of time chatting with Limor about MilkWise and she is just FANTASTIC!! I joked with her as I was leaving that I felt like we had been friends forever, she was that kind of sincere and inviting and engaging.

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Limor shared with me some of her tips for including MilkWise into her lifetstyle, which I loved because she’s a mom, too. She gave me a GREAT idea to use MilkWise for my baking, I had never thought of doing that with my baking. I think it was a wonderful idea to pass along because I really do love baking and I think MilkWise would be a wonderful alternative. What I loved the most was hearing Limor explain to people the beauty of MilkWise … it’s is a proprietary blend of water, lowfat milk, sugar and other ingredients that tastes great while delivering lower sugar, fewer calories and more calcium than traditional dairy milk. MilkWise does not contain any artificial sweeteners, which is something that people couldn’t get over, especially after a taste! People were VERY interested in learning and wanting to know more about MilkWise, which was wonderful because I know that was truly the heart and the soul of doing a local-tour. The message is so important to spread and I love that people were really getting an inside peak and taste by trying MilkWise!

One of the most common questions I heard asked, “Where can I buy this?”

As of right now you can find MilkWise products at retailers across New England and Upstate NY, including:
– AG New England
– Big Y
– Bozzutos
– Market Basket
– Price Chopper
– Roche Bros.
– Shaws
– Stop & Shop

The local-tour will continue in October, so if you’re in these lucky spots, make sure you head out and try a sample:

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You don’t want to miss this!!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored posting with MilkWise – all opinions are 100% my own.

About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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