Turning 43 years old happened fast. I’m someone who loves my birthday, always have and always will. I’m a big proponent of celebrating anything, but when it’s a BIRTHDAY – it’s even more special.
43 isn’t a milestone birthday, but every birthday is a milestone in some way, right? It’s important to celebrate and party and bring festivities into your life on your special day.
How do you celebrate 43 years old? You celebrate your birthday doing everything you want to do. Birthdays are a time of reflection. Birthdays are a time to plan ahead and make wishes. Birthdays are a time to give thanks and look at your blessings in life.
Turning 43 Years Old
Every year on my birthday I like to stop and think about what I’ve learned over the last year. I feel like we all learn new things every day, but when it’s your birthday, you really stop and look at the highs, the not-so-highs, and the in-betweens.
Ask yourself these questions: What stuck out to you over the last year? What made you stronger? What did you let go of? What dream did you go after? What are you still hoping to achieve? What are you still hoping will happen in your life?
These types of questions are the kind of questions you can ask yourself on turning 43 years old OR any age. It helps to stop see what you’ve been able to do in life already and what’s yet to come.
With the way, life has been over the last year with the pandemic, my 42nd year on life has been a lot different than other years. It was also amazing in the sense that I feel like I really got to know myself over the last year. I really had time to be at home and discover new things, which has really been incredible for me.
43 Things Learned in 43 Years
- Never too late to go after a new dream or goal in life.
- Take care of your body inside and out.
- Walk away from things in life that aren’t bringing you joy.
- Don’t be afraid to ask your family or friends for help.
- Find time to spend with your love, as much as you can.
- Waking up early in the morning can help change your day, for the better.
- I’ve never appreciated my hairstylist more than now.
- Take time to spend with your kids one on one, too.
- Blessed to have siblings that are also friends.
- Find something special to do with your kids regularly, it means something.
- Sign up for something you never would dream of doing.
- You don’t have to spend tons of money to work out.
- It’s never too late to start saving money.
- To-do lists work miracles.
- Setting up a cleaning schedule and sticking with it helps like crazy.
- New jeans are always a girl’s best friend.
- Walk away from toxic relationships, you feel lighter.
- Try to not sweat the small stuff in life.
- Staying in touch with people goes a long way.
- Go to church and get your kids to church, teach them to believe in something.
- It’s OK to admit give yourself permission to take a break.
- Take a day off and do nothing. Absolutely nothing.
- Set time aside 20 minutes a day to do something your yourself.
- Don’t be afraid to be ballsy.
- Know your true close circle of friends, hang on tight.
- Working out helps the mind and soul.
- Create a space at home that is your heaven. It’s essential.
- Making your kids laugh is the best medicine.
- Having your kids make you laugh is the next best thing.
- Take your vitamins.
- Wear sunscreen.
- It’s important to call your parents, make sure you’re doing this every day.
- Buy yourself a pretty dress. It’s worth it.
- Hold onto dear work relationships.
- Your reputation is your legacy for work.
- Try to see the positive in every situation (even when it’s next to impossible).
- Take 3 deep conscious breaths a day.
- Work hard, but don’t let your kids ONLY see your working.
- Be bold wth your life.
- Know why you matter.
- The best friendships will withstand anything tossed at them.
- Don’t doubt your gut.
- Listen to your heart.
43 things I’ve learned this year. OK, maybe I’ve known some of these things before, but these are the ones that really jump out to me and matter. These are important things to remember right now as I’m turning 43 years old.
The worst part about today? I’ve got to wait 364 more days till my next birthday celebration!
This is what I learned last year at 42 years old.