I’m all about cute hairstyles and this one just takes the cake! If you’ve ever wondered how to make a star in your hair, I’ve got you covered. Whether you’re looking for a school or for a holiday, this is an easy star hair tutorial.
How To Make a Star in your Hair
Every 4th of July, I always look for ways to create a fun star in Victoria’s hair because it’s so festive and fun for the holiday. I love adding red, white, and blue ribbons and really make a 4th of July splash with this cute and easy hairstyle.
I also love creating a star in her hair for school because it’s just so cute. Whenever she wears one she always gets kids and parents (and teachers) commenting as to how cute her hair is for the day. I’ve tried a bunch of different star hair tutorials and I’ve found this one to be one of the easiest.
I know it’s not always easy to find hairstyles that are simple, especially when it comes to braiding, but I promise this star hairstyle for girls is an easy one to do. I wanted to share how to make a star in your hair in a simple and doable way. I also didn’t want to rush through it to make it look more complicated.
Star Hair Tutorial
Here is the star hairstyle for you to watch. Don’t rush through this adorable hairstyle, it’s a fun one to do!
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My best hair advice for this cute hairstyle:
1. Make sure you use some leave-in conditioner in the hair (or some hair oil) to smooth it down before you start braiding. It will reduce the flyaways.
2. Don’t rush it. I know many times I have parents letting me know that it’s tough to keep their child still, my advice is to let them watch a video or read a book while you play with their hair.
If you’re looking for additional hairstyles for school, check out these fun hairstyles, too:
5 Half Up Half Down Hairstyles