3 Things You Should Always Do at Home Before Bed

I know it’s not always easy to keep your house clean and organized, but there are ways to do it so you won’t feel constantly overwhelmed. There are 3 things you should always do at home before bed just to make your life easier in the morning.

3 Things You Should Always Do at Home Before Bed

3 things to do at home before bed

I’m going to say it, I’m someone who gets easily stressed out if my house is a mess. But here’s the thing. I have 5 kids that keep my house in a constant state of chaos and disorganization. There’s tons of laundry. There are tons of dishes to be cleaned. There are backpacks and sports bags everywhere. There’s just tons of stuff ALWAYS laying around because we have 7 people in our family.

Now, my kids do help… they do, but because our lives are also so busy, there’s not always time to constantly be cleaning and organizing the house. That job normally has to wait for the weekend when we have a little more breathing room.

Since I’m the one who is up the first in our house, there are 3 things I do before going to bed every night that make my mornings easier and stress-free. I was told these 3 things by a friend years and years ago when the boys were babies and I’ve kept up with it throughout all these years because it really does work.

Clear your Sink

There’s nothing worse in the morning than coming down to a sink full of dirty dishes. Normally they’re from dinner the night before or just odds and ends that have been tossed in there from the day.

Things to clean in your kitchen

Every night before bed I take about 5-10 minutes and I just make sure I load my dishwasher. Sometimes that means I need to empty the dishwasher (which is when I call in one of my sons), but taking the time to go through and empty the sink really helps in the morning.

Clean your Counters

I literally call it at home, “I’m clearing the counters, so grab your stuff!” A counter full of stuff that doesn’t belong there is something that drives me crazy. When the kids were little it was sippy cups, random dishes, papers, books, just random odds and ends that belonged to me or my husband.

Now it’s stuff like keys, wallets, phone chargers, water bottles, folders, and just tons of random stuff. It STILL drives me crazy!

6 Things To Do in your Kitchen Before Bed

Now before I go to bed I take the time to clear my counters. I call each kid in to grab their stuff or sometimes I threaten (it’s a totally empty threat) to toss it away. LOL! Believe me, they come running.

Beautiful kitchen counter

I even wipe them down with cleaner, too. I can’t tell you how good it feels to walk down in the morning to clean, empty counters… especially when I know how they looked before I took the time to clean them.

Clean the Coffee Machine

OK, this is really for my fellow coffee drinkers, but the same could be said for someone who drinks tea or makes a smoothie. Clean your coffee machine, blender, or kettle the night before! There’s nothing like coming down in the morning to a coffee pot that needs to be cleaned. If you use a Keurig, take the time to replace your pod so when you wake up in the morning it’s good to go!

Cup of Coffee

I’ve even set my coffee timer now where my pot automatically starts brewing early in the morning. I smell the coffee from my bed and it’s just an extra enticement to get up and moving!

Now none of these things are earth-shattering, believe me, I know! But these 3 things can give you morning relief and keep any extra unwanted stress away. I know my mood is completely different if I happen to wake up to a kitchen in complete disarray. The kitchen is the hub of our home, which is why I like to make sure it’s perfect for the mornings.

Shimmer and Shine Toys

If you know that your living room space is an area to concentrate on more, then adjust your 3 things to something else. Don’t overwhelm yourself, keep the 3 things easy and light, so when you’re not stressing about it every night. Maybe you clean the toys up before bed (I miss those days), or organize the pillows/blankets on your couch. Maybe it’s clearing the stairs from whatever is just sitting there!

Whatever it is, find something to help you out in the morning.

It’s the little things, but these little things go a LONG way.

Here are additional posts to check out:

Spring Cleaning Guide for Families

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About Audrey

Audrey McClelland has been a digital influencer since 2005. She’s a mom of 5 and shares tips on her three favorite things: parenting, fashion and beauty. She’s also a Contemporary Romance Author.

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